Thursday, November 29, 2012

31 Weeks

I pretty much used up all my interesting news in the late update from last week so this one will be short & sweet.

I failed to get a picture of the baby's room before dad started painting, but you get the idea from the below.  It was actually the only room we didn't paint when Kiel moved in...weird.

First coat done.  Loving it!  One more coat and we'll be ready to get the crib set up :)

Still feeling those Braxton Hicks contractions randomly throughout the day.  They seem less frequent if I keep up with fluids and make sure I sit down and rest at night.  

Starting to feel him up in my ribs now which I knew was coming, but was just thinking the other day how I'm glad he's so low so I don't have to deal with that.  And then I got a little kick to the ribs like he was saying, "Hey mom, don't get so ahead of yourself."  I have to admit, it makes me laugh even though it's not the greatest feeling.  It's just so weird to think about what's going on in there. 

My book says I'll probably gain about a pound a week from here on out.  Gulp.  I'm already pushing 30 lbs...I could go without that extra 10.  BUT!  Anything for baby boy right??!??!?

Your baby's the size of a pineapple!
He's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month. He's getting so big, he's probably crowding your lungs. 
  • He's going through major brain and nerve development.
  • Eye development, too. His irises now react to light!
  • All five of his senses are in working order.
Next check up with Dr Ingram is next Tuesday, December 4th.  Should be pretty routine.  It's really starting to go fast now!  Don't think I can say that enough! 



  1. I very clearly remember the day you called and told me you were pregnant and now you are 31 weeks. I highly doubt you have 9 weeks left so get ready lady (and Kiel!), he's almost here!!!!! Can't wait for next weekend :)

    1. "If you wanted me to call you, you could have just said that" Thanks for being a part of this crazy journey :) See you soon xoxo

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