3-3-14 - Jase finally mastered getting on his tractor all by himself and he is SO proud of himself! Of course, he didn't do the cheese face while I was recording. (video)
3-4-15 - On Monday, Kyra called to let me know Jase was having a hard time sleeping because of his cold and was pretty miserable so I took a half day (back to the dr we went, no change) and ended up staying home Tuesday with him so he could get some rest. Kid took a 3 hour nap in the morning and a 2.5 hour nap in the afternoon...I'd say it was much needed! (video)
3-6-14 - Happy 8th Birthday Henry Douglas! (video)
(see how he's blocking Jase's hands from the flames? such a great big brother and cousin <3)
3-7-14 - Every night after a bath, Jase has a cup of milk and when he's done he sits up and waves at Kiel as if he's telling him he's ready for bed. Kiel went to a benefit tonight, but still got to see his man's goodnight wave :) (video)
3-8-14 - We were supposed to travel to Jacksonville to meet the newest addition to the Bachman family, but the cold Jase and I are trying to get over kept us home so we didn't pass it on to baby Hattie. We spent a lazy Saturday at home....
The newest trick (video)
Playing with daddy (video)
And of course a trip to Wal-Mart...oy
This week was a tough one. Every night we would get home from daycare and as soon as I would put Jase down, the water works started. He was fine if Kiel or I was holding him or at least sitting on floor right next to him while he played, but if we dared to set him down and walk out of the room BAM instant tears. He's been showing signs of teething again and I can feel a tooth on the top left coming in so I'm sure that's what it is, but man it sucks. I checked in with Kyra to see how he's been doing during the day and of course she gave a perfect report. She also said he's been eating really well for her. He's not really eating anything at home. For breakfast, I'm lucky to get him to eat 2-3 bites of whatever I give him (fruit, waffles, yogurt, pancakes, etc), lunch is almost always a hit, but dinner...pretty much forget it. It's not any particular food, he just doesn't want anything. But he's still drinking a good amount so I'm trying not to worry about it to much. He'll eat when he's hungry right? He's started this horrible habit of filling up his mouth with food and then pushing it through his teeth :-/ I'm really glad he's doing well during the day at Kyra's and I know this is just part of life...probably overstimulated and over tired...but it's just one more thing that's hard to swallow as I ship him off to daycare every day (pity party for 1, please).
He has been really sensitive too. If we tell him no, that bottom lip pops RIGHT out! Sometimes I have to turn my head so he doesn't see me smiling because as sad as he is, it's pretty hilarious. The other day, I scolded him for throwing food on the floor (his new sign of being full), but he ignored me. After a couple rounds of me correcting his behavior and taking the food away (what more can you do to a 13 mo old then use a stern tone?!?), Kiel stepped in with a "Hey, you do not throw food on the floor" (which I had already told him multiple times) in his dad voice. It was like we just told him Mickey Mouse died. Good to know he takes one of us seriously, I guess.
While we're on the subject of food, I don't think I mentioned how far into my BM supply we were in February. I'm pretty sure we started the month in September and got into October the last weekish so we've been using October's supply for about 2 weeks now. If I remember correctly, I have about half a bag in the basement and 2 + maybe 1/3 bag at my mom's. I have been pretty lazy about thawing BM lately...that gallon of milk is just so much more convenient! When I'm following the routine, Jase gets a 6 oz cup of BM in the morning, whole milk (3-4 cups) at daycare, water or whole milk with dinner, and then a 6 oz cup of BM before bed. On the weekends, I try to give him as much BM as possible just so we can get through it faster, but the majority of the time we stick to whole milk. I'm so lucky he hasn't been picky about the mixture.
3-9-14 - Just a glimpse of nice weather calls for some time outside!
3-12-14 - As you will see from the video, Jase is getting REALLY close to walking...he's either really stubborn or just very content with crawling everywhere. That mower doesn't do much to support him, just gives him a little bit of confidence...(video)
3-15-14 - Henry had his 8th birthday party at the rec center today. Jase wanted to play with the boys soooooo bad!
We stopped into Charmed and Jase made friends with Courtney's new cats, Jax & Jett
3-17-14 - Happy St Patrick's Day!
3-18-14 - Jase's solution to the carpet rubbing on his bare knees without having to walk (video)...
3-19-14 - I don't have any pictures or a video, but Jase took 4 steps unassisted tonight! He is still so reluctant to do it on his own. His natural reaction is to just sit down if he can't reach something to help him balance. Such a turd.
3-20-14 -Bathtime
3-21-14 - Max & Marty made their first appearance tonight so Jase got a carriage ride!
3-22-14 - Laundry baskets....who knew?
Birthday cupcakes!
Out with adults for daddy's birthday :)
3-23-14 - I got to see my future daughter-in-law today...pretty Reagan <3
3-24-14 - That's Jase's surprise face, he's not actually blowing out the candles...perfect timing :)
Happy 32nd Birthday Dad!
3-25-14 - He's getting so big :-/
3-26-14 - This kid loves to roll around in our bed...there are snot marks on the pillows to prove it
3-27-14 - He messed up his hair with his new hat so naturally he had to brushed it...
3-28-14 - I learned a valuable lesson this morning...Jase's taste buds are wacked. Ever since getting rid of bottles, Jase has preferred a sippy cup with a soft nipple, but I'm tired of washing them so I've been pushing the ones with the plastic spouts...of course he protests. This morning I gave him one with a hard spout and as usual, he drank a little but acted like he was having a hard time getting anything to come out. Without even thinking about his cup being full of BM, I picked it up and took a sip to check the flow.....OMG HOW DOES HE DRINK THIS CRAP? I have no idea how I didn't immediately throw up, but I hovered over the sink for at least 3 min eyes watering, gagging trying to think of what would take that god awful taste out of my mouth. I stole a few of Jase's blueberries off his plate...nope. A piece of pancake...nope. Water...hahaha. Juice out of an open jar of pineapples saved my life this morning. Why does it taste like that?!?!?! I never deliberately drank any of my fresh milk, but I know I've licked a drop or two off my finger after a spill and it NEVER tasted like that! It was like...soapy, old milk....WTF. The worst part was after I composed myself, I looked over at Jase in his highchair and there he was drinking that poison without even batting an eye...like he likes it...makes me gag just thinking about it.
Whenever someone leaves the room, Jase puts his hands palms up and says, "Go?" Like "where'd he/she go?" He's been saying, "Grandpa go?" a lot lately. #buddies
3-29-14 - Swimming, french fries, & Frozen....OH MY!
3-30-14 - We had such a great weekend to wrap up March. The weather was great so after church and breakfast at Baby Bulls with our little hipster,
we took advantage and did what everyone dreams of being able to do when they grow up...spring cleaning! HA! Next year he can clean the garage with dad...have I mentioned I'm ready for Jase to walk?!?! Just as I was getting ready to put Jase to bed to end a very productive day, I hear a THUD from the bathroom and Kiel's worried voice say "ohhhhhhh it's ok buddy" Jase was checking on Kiel in the bathroom as usual, lost his footing and face planted into the side of the tub.
Why are all things that can injure a child at such inconvenient heights? And why do head wounds have to bleed SOOOOO much?!?!? I will admit, I freaked and wanted to take him to the ER. Thankfully the bleeding subsided very quickly and none of his teeth were loose so he just got some motrin and extra cuddles. Heartbreaking!
3-31-14 - Jase's lip was still VERY swollen when he woke up, but by the end of the day looked much better on the outside. Underneath his lip and his gum line has some pretty good bruising, but again no loose teeth and no more bleeding. Good thing I only have an entire lifetime left of things like this to worry about....wah wah!
A few notes:
-Jase & I have officially had runny noses for an entire month
-We've entered the "showing off" phase
-Jase will now give you a hug upon request, point out your eyes and nose, and actually say "bye bye"
-Pancakes are a staple...kid smells like syrup 24/7
-While he isn't walking, Jase will stand unassisted and has started doing baby squats :)
-We've advanced to only using the pacifier during naps and bedtime...and sometimes in church
-Still in size 4 diapers, pushing out of 18 mo clothes into 24 mo or 2T, and I think his legs are finally starting to catch up to his torso lol
-He's really into books, balls, and CARS!
-We are MADLY in love with our little man and his ever changing personality!
May have to rethink the month updates...they're a little obnoxious.
Next up, April! Hopefully the month of walking!