Thursday, September 27, 2012

22 weeks - Never A Dull Moment

Things we learned this week...
1.  Telling a toddler he can pee outside at home translates to, you can pee outside anywhere.
2.  When Kiel says his back hurts, go directly to the chiropractor.  Do not pass GO, do not collect $200 - just make an appointment.

I had my sister's kids Friday overnight while she & Matt went to Chicago for the Cubs/Cards game (next year we're going & they're babysitting ha!).  Since one of their favorite things to do on the weekends is to go on a carriage ride downtown Pontiac with Grandma Pam, we ate dinner at my house & headed to see the horses.   After our ride, we were standing on a corner downtown petting the horses and talking to Grandma, when Aden decided he had to go potty, dropped his pants, and took aim.  I nearly died!  We couldn't stop laughing...just one more way my nephews are helping to prepare me for having a boy I guess!!! 

The only pic from the whole weekend - at least they're all smiling!!

The plan Saturday morning was to pick Kiel up to go to Henry's soccer game, but unfortunately, Kiel had been having some back pain the last week and it wasn't going away.  When he told me he thought he needed to go to the ER Saturday am, I knew it was serious.  Kiel's dad deals with pretty severe back pain from damaging his sciatic nerve and Kiel's description of his pain sounded exactly like what Mark goes through.  His dad advised him to go to the chiropractor so I left the kids with Matt's mom (thank goodness she was at the game!) and made an appt.  The pain started on the right side of his lower back, shot down the back of his leg into his foot, leaving the outside of his foot & toes numb...scary!  After an adjustment and a lot of information, Kiel left the chiropractor feeling about the same as he did before he went in.  While lying down or standing kept most of the pain away, he was having a really hard time sitting and walking around.  The pain in his back had completely gone away, but he said it felt like a sharp knife was stuck in the back of his right thigh and his foot was still going numb.  He spent the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday still in a LOT of pain.  He somehow made it through work Monday and after his 2nd chiropractor appointment that night, Kiel was like a new person.  And after his 3rd appt last night, he's feeling even better.  The inflammation is still there, but the pain is subsiding.  If I didn't believe in chiropractors before, I do now!  They were pretty honest about the fact that sciatic nerve damage is something a lot of people live with and over time (months) it heals itself, but going to the chiropractor is a way to help speed up the healing process.  Once the sciatic nerve is pinched/damaged, the odds of it happening again are pretty high so Kiel will probably deal with some form of this for the rest of his life, just like his dad, but at least now we know what to do if when it flares up again.  Fingers crossed he can keep it under control through October while he's at climbing school!!!

My monthly check up this week was pretty standard.  Jase was awake for the visit so his heartbeat was high at 151 bpm....still love hearing that sound!  Dr Ingram confirmed what Kiel's mom said about his kidneys appearing large on the sonogram and it's just something they like to keep an eye on...nothing to be concerned about, just another opportunity to see our little man!  She checked the report and turns out my amniotic fluid is normal, not high, like they had previously told me so no issues there.  Next monthly appt is my glucose test...yay!...said no one ever.

22 Weeks

Still feeling great just very "stretched".  Lots of comments at work this week so I know my belly really is as big as it feels :/  Working inside all day makes putting my feet up at night hard.  I'm tired, but if I sit to watch tv, I feel very antsy until I give in and just call it a night so I feel better when I'm up doing something lately.  Guess it's time for some nesting!

your baby's the size of a papaya!
During month five, the average fetus measures about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. 
  • Now that he's got more developed eyes and lips, he's looking even more like a newborn.
  • He's sleeping in cycles -- about 12 to 14 hours per day (hint: they're probably those times you're not feeling any kicks!).

Newest development = swelling.  Thought I was going to dodge this bullet, but looks like I'm paying the price for not putting my feet up at night.  Just in my ankles for now...

And btw...who turned the heat up in here?!?!?  It's pretty sad when it's high 60's/low 70's out and I have the air conditioner going full blast in the office.  Thank goodness for a winter baby!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

21 weeks - Overtime

Kiel started his new job this week and if you ask him things are going great!  The drive is a little long, but it's about the same as when he was in Joliet so not TOO terrible.  After just 3 days (Wednesday) he was already asked to stay over for some emergency repairs.  Staying over turned into staying all night so he didn't get home until about 9am today (Thursday).  I can't imagine staying up for 24 hours, let alone actually working the entire time replacing poles.  And so it begins...

I was asked this morning how I handled his first all nighter and while my answer was "fine", I probably could have handled it a little better.  This is going to take some work on my part.  Kiel being home every night and on the weekends the last 10 mo. really spoiled me and I'm having a hard time getting excited about what all the overtime means for our financial needs when all I can think about are the birthdays, holidays, and other important events he might be forced to miss.  While having a baby on the way makes it harder to accept, this isn't pregnancy hormones, I've always had a problem with him being gone.  I'm fully aware I will not spontaneously combust or completely forget how to be a human being if Kiel isn't around, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it when he is home.  I know I should just be thankful he has a job, a good great job at that.  I know I should be thankful to not have to endure the hardships some families deal with when one spouse is gone for months/years at a time...and deep down I honestly am.  Compared to a LOT of people, I have it easy...WE have it easy.  Plain and simple, I need to be better at being supportive of what he's doing for our family.  I honestly hope that in a year or 5 when I re-read this post, I can laugh at how silly and needy I sound, but part of me knows I'll never fully get used to this lifestyle...but I'm going to try.

Jase Talk - LOTS of movement going on in there!  When we saw him wiggling like crazy during the ultra sound I was in shock I couldn't feel all that movement.  Not anymore!  I feel him right when I wake up, like a little "good morning mom"!  He's awake sporadically throughout the day while I'm at work, but mainly I feel him moving the most when I finally sit down at the end of the day.  The other night I sat on the couch for a good 30 min and just watched my belly jump.  Kiel has yet to see or feel him, but I'm sure it will happen soon.  I also feel him in the middle of the night when I get up to go to the bathroom.  I love feeling him move, but it makes it hard to fall back asleep when he's flailing around in there - just getting me ready for when he's here right?

your baby's the size of a pomegranate!
At 10.5 inches and about 12.7 ounces, she's big enough now that you've probably been feeling her movements. 
  • As her digestive system preps for the outside world, she's manufacturing meconium -- the tarry black substance you'll find in her first dirty diaper (ew)!
  • If it's a girl, she's already got a lifetime's supply of eggs in her womb -- about six million of them!
Our next Dr. appt is next Tuesday the 25th.  Hopefully I'll get some insight into why she wants to re-check his kidneys.  I'm guessing it will be what Kiel's mom suggested - the little booger is already peeing causing his kidneys to appear dilated and creating more amniotic fluid (explaining why I'm normal to high in that department).  3 more weeks til we see him again!  

21 Weeks
 I made the mistake of going shopping with my sister whom I've been encouraging to buy anything and everything cute we come across for her kids for the past 6 years now.  Between my nephew's hand-me-downs and the baby shower, I know he will not be hurting for clothes, but there are just some things that are hard to resist...

My first "Jase" purchase - Do you see those socks?!?!?!


Thursday, September 13, 2012

20 weeks - Snakes & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails

That's what our little boy will be made of :)

See the arrow?? :)
From day one I REALLY thought we were having a girl.  The Chinese calendar said it was a girl, I constantly dreamt it was a girl, I wasn't sick just like my mom when she had girls - everything just seemed to scream girl!  Until about 3 weeks ago when people started commenting on how I was carrying and I didn't "look" like I was having a girl.  So I started assessing all the old wives tales and every day became more & more convinced we were having a boy....Kiel not so much.  He had to buy lunch after the appt because he lost our boy/girl bet :)

Compared to the first sonogram we had, this one was mind blowing!  Baby immediately popped up on the screen and we could see EVERYTHING!  It didn't take long before she scrolled over his butt and I let out a little gasp because he was really showing off...spread eagle!  We got to see his face, his hands, his feet, his ribs, his spine, and even the chambers of his amazing is that?  I loved watching Kiel's facial reactions :)  Baby boy weighed in at 12 oz which apparently is right on track.  And, he was so active for us!  He rolled over, flailed his little arms, crossed his feet, and stretched his legs - it puts a smile on my face just remembering it.  I could do that everyday for hours...

Face & Arms - it's a little blurry on here, but you can see his teeth!!!!
I had a hard time deciding the best way to find out the sex.  It was Kiel's request to find out in the first place, but once I jumped on board it was hard to choose between some great gender reveal party or the experience of seeing it on the sonogram.  So we did both :)  The pictures are really more for us since we cheated the reveal a little finding out the sex the day before & telling our immediate family & friends, but I wouldn't give up seeing that little wiener on the screen for anything!      


I know I am speaking for both Kiel & myself when I say, now that the big appt has come & gone, we are just so beside ourselves with how blessed we feel (regardless of gender).  I honestly don't think it was ever about boy or girl for me, it's just one of those moments you hear about from others and hope someday you get to experience so I was just really looking forward to seeing our baby up on that screen.  For Kiel, I think it just helps him feel more involved knowing the sex & it makes things a little more real.  The sex is a pretty big deal to his family because Kiel is the last male Pshak so now the name will continue with our little man!  And as Kiel says...when we have a girl, she'll have a big brother to watch out for her :)

I received a call from the Dr's office this afternoon asking me to come in for another ultra sound in a month to recheck baby's kidneys.  Cue heart in throat.  She said all the report noted was that amniotic fluid was normal to high.  The Dr had assured her it was nothing to be concerned about, but they wanted to double check it in a month.  The fact that it isn't necessary for me to be seen immediately is reassuring, but still makes me a little nervous.  I refuse to google what high amniotic fluid could mean for fear of finding out the 192 things I'm possibly dying from (cause you know, the internet is never exaggerated and always right) I called Kiel's mom (apparently Kiel did too lol) and she REALLY made us feel better!!!  Our next appt is on the 25th so I'll be able to ask Dr about it then too.  For now, I'm just excited to get another chance to see him moving again! 
your baby's the size of a banana!
Baby weighs about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches. She's still got a lot of growing to do though. Can you believe you're halfway done? 
  • She's got working taste buds.
  • Now, she's gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day -- that's significantly more than before.

How about a name?  Picking out a boy name was probably the easiest thing Kiel & I have EVER done as a couple.  Kiel suggested Jase for a first name, and it just happened to be in my top 5.  It goes well with my request for a middle name, Russell, and even sounds good with Pshak.  So after about 2 minutes of discussion our tough decision of naming our baby boy was finished and we absolutely love it!!!

Jase Russell Pshak, we seriously cannot wait to meet you!



Monday, September 10, 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Glenn 9.8.2012

Throwing in a separate post for this so the next one can focus solely on the gender reveal :)

Wedding #3 for 2012.  Kiel & I Made the trip to Nokomis, IL for Angela & Andy's (friends from college) wedding.  Thank you so much for asking us to be a part of your special day!  Angela was absolutely stunning and I just can't get enough of all the great pictures we got. 


I was tired and sober, but I refused to leave early and waste what little time I had with all these amazing people.  Really makes me wish we lived closer so I could enjoy times like these on a regular basis. 

And look at that...Kiel had a good time :)


Thursday, September 6, 2012

19 weeks - Family Pictures

Wedding #2 for 2012.  Kiel's good friend Brendan got married this weekend and Kiel was asked to stand up as a groomsman.  They clean up pretty nice when needed!  I have to give props to the bride for staying calm when the tornado sirens went off just a few minutes after the ceremony started and forced all of the guests into the hallways...luckily it only lasted a few minutes.  It will make a really great story :)  Congratulations Brendan & Mandy! 
We got our first family pic at the wedding and had a little fun with our new "titles" in the photo booth :)
Our timing was a little off on the last one...oops!

Friday, Kiel got his official start date. He'll be an Ameren employee starting Sept 17th.  Such a long awaited day!

Only 5 more days until we find out the sex of the baby!  Other then waiting for the appointment, it's been a pretty uneventful week on the pregnancy front which isn't such a bad thing.  Still feeling good and thankful for that!  September is a busy month for us so I'm sure before we know it, it will be over just like August. Where did that month go anyways??

Week 19

your baby's the size of a mango!
At about 6.0 inches long and weighing in at about 8.5 ounces, she's getting there! 
  • Developing a protective coating over her skin, called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and you may see some of it at her birth.
  • Working on her five senses. Nerve cells for her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in her brain.