6-1-14 - More water fun (video)
He is his mama's son and we get #hangry
6-3-14 - Love.this.laugh.
Sidenote: I really need to stop taking videos on my phone vertically.
6-4-14 - Kyra took the 4th and 5th off to go see Cher, love it! So Amy & I split the days to keep us from having to miss 2 days of work. Exhausting? Yes. But we had a GREAT day :)
6-5-14 T-Ball twins :)
6-7-14 - Grandpa's popcorn and matchbox cars at A & B's t-ball game...and that sweet pony tail
6-9-14 - Golf basics (video)
6-11-14 - Motorcycle, motorcycle VROOM VROOM VROOM (video)
Oh these two...
6-13-14 - Dinner with Dad & Cindy to celebrate: Dad's birthday, Amy's birthday, Cindy's birthday, and Father's day. I guess we were slackers about getting together this year...
6-14 through 6-18 #pshakstoLA
6-20-14 - Naively, I added a bag of Cheetos to the grocery cart tonight. I caved to the loud obnoxious fit after a few minutes and then vowed to never buy Cheetos when shopping with Jase again...
6-21-14 - We had a big day Saturday...
Introduced Jase to the #royalpotty...the lawnmower may have lost it's place as #1 obsession.
For the record, I did this with no expectations. When Jase had his last VCUG, one of the nurses made the comment that he has crazy bladder control and we should get him on a potty. He wakes up dry every morning so I figured why not?! No dice today, but he really likes to sit on it.
Aden & Bevin had their last t-ball game...So proud of them for completing and actually enjoying their first t-ball season!
And in the afternoon, we celebrated their 5th birthday (June 23rd). Instead of the blistering hot we're used to on their bday, we got a reprieve from the heat as a few storms rolled in. They stayed clear of the party so no harm done!
6-22-14 - A nice little Sunday with corn on the cob and a post dinner walk to the park...
6-23-14 - Happy 5th birthday Aden & Bevin!
5 years goes by extraordinarily fast when you're measuring time by a child's growth. I love being their aunt. I love listening to their stories and watching them grow. Life would be so so dull without these two beautiful faces. Happy Birthday Aden Scott & Bevin Nicole xoxoxo
I'm happy to report Jase peed on the #royalpotty for the first time today! The look on his face when the song went off was priceless! We still aren't holding him to any expectations any time soon, but I am one proud mama!
6-26-14 - Aden lost his first tooth! And 10 seconds later asked for it to be put back in lol
6-28-14 - Kiel has been working a LOT of overtime this past week and since we didn't have big plans this weekend he took some more today. Jase & I ventured to Champaign to swim with Suzy & Reagan and I again failed to take any pictures. We really need to get some pictures of them together to capture the difference in their size. Reagan will be 1 August 1st and while she is developmentally right on schedule....she is still wearing 6 month clothes...such an adorable peanut!!! And then we have our monster walking around like a giant at 16 months. They could NOT be any more opposite and I hear those attract so maybe there really is hope for them ;)
Some outside time with daddy after a long day at work...
And we've added firefighter to the list of future career possibilities (video)...
6-30-14 - Henry had a double header in Mansfield which kept Matt & Amy out until 11pm so the twins had their first sleep over at Aunt Nicole's. I was a little nervous about telling them they were going to stay at my house, but I a double YESSSSSSSS from the backseat :)
5 out of the last 7 mornings, Jase has peed on the #royalpotty (he woke up while I was in the shower, so I didn't get him in there in time). He's only missed once and I haven't been peed on yet (knock on wood!). Pretty sure he doesn't really understand the concept yet, but he seems to be enjoying our new routine. I hope I haven't started too early and jinxed any future potty training endeavors. Time will tell!
I haven't taken the time to measure or weigh him this month so I will make that a priority for 17 months.
Every month I look back and marvel at how much Jase has learned, but it really is every single day that he picks up on something new and grows right before our eyes (am I repeating myself?!). Toys that he had trouble with just a few weeks ago are starting to make more sense to him. The jack-in-the-box isn't thrust in your face any longer as he understands to turn the crank, the puppy on a leash doesn't always look like he's being strangled as Jase actually pulls him through the house instead of "carrying" him.
He comprehends so much of what we are saying or asking. He regularly says thank you when given something he has asked/motioned for and we are working on using please correctly. Assuming he feels like listening, he can follow pretty much any direction we give him. A favorite task is throwing anything "yucky" in the garbage. Using utensils has become a must at every meal and the kid at least attempts to repeat everything we say...yikes. The other day when I told him to stop touching his weenie while he was on the potty he said "weenie" with a HUGE grin on his face I knew it was time to start the language clean up.
Words he's added to the vocabulary recently include: pickle, golf cart, golf club, bell butt (belly button), potty, weenie, Mayme (used interchangeably for Aunt Amy and Uncle Matt lol), thank you, please, chip, corn, beans and many others I'm sure I'm forgetting.
His car seat has remained forward facing since we made the switch in Louisiana and I'm pretty sure he approves. The boy talks a mile a minute 24/7 anyways, but when we're in the car he really kicks it up telling stories, pointing at everything and whipping his head back and forth in an effort to take everything in. Kicking the back of the seat in front of him has also become a favorite. Welcome to the club right?
I started this blog so long ago I'm not really sure how we got to the end of June already. We're excited to see Jase's reaction to the fireworks this coming weekend and a few other plans we have in July.
Hope everyone has a safe & fun holiday weekend! Happy early 4th of July!