The first week of being 18 months old was pretty emotional for Jase & I. He's hit this phase that would best be described as the "terrible 2's" or in more honest terms, a glimpse into the next 18 years with our fiery little ginger.
Some things that have upset him this week are: not being able to shut the bathroom door while I'm getting ready, not being allowed to put toys in his potty chair, being on the changing table, being off the changing table, asking for a drink and then being offered a drink, putting his shoes on, taking his shoes off but most days the air is enough to set him off. He has spent a lot of minutes alone on the floor in his room screaming and crying to the point of gagging, turning 9 shades of red and snotting/slobbering all over everything. The hitting has gotten a little better, but he still raises his hand with intention when he's mad, looks at me and says NO! I swear no one raises their hand to him like that so I have no clue where that comes from :-/ I've left the house multiple mornings thankful to be taking him to daycare (excuse me?) and feeling like I'm doing something wrong as a parent. We get to Kyra's and he's as happy as a clam, talking and laughing like WWIII didn't just go down 10 min ago. Everyone just laughs at me when I tell them about his behavior. Partially because this is a phase most kids go through, but mainly they're all thinking, "It's about time!"
This video is one of the milder fits has thrown lately...
Maybe as a high school graduation present, I'll capture one of these fine moments on camera each year and make him a dvd. #payback
8-1-14 - 18 months...a year and a half old...WOW
And in case you were one of the 2 people that caught my mistake on his growth chart (look at the date on his height at 1 year old)...yes I fixed it :-P
A night at Aunt Amy's with the cousins
8-2-14 - Duck park in the am with Grandpa and Cindy...look at all those DUCKS!
And to Ray Ray's 1st "golden" birthday party in the afternoon. Jase got Reagan her first kiss ;-)
8-5-14 - Jase had his 18 month check up today along with his last set of shots until he starts school...I think I aged 10 years when she said that.
Height: 35" (99%)
Weight: 28 lbs 13 oz (94%)
Head circumference: 49.5cm (94%) HA!
He showed me today that his memory is really developing by crying when the nurse took us back to the room. But he barely flinched when she gave him his shot...such a tough guy!!! Oh and he still does NOT like band aids.
When the doctor tried to look in his mouth and ears, he shook his finger at her and said, "NO NO NO!" Luckily, she laughed.
Sleep schedule is still pretty much bedtime at 7:30, unless he skips his afternoon nap at daycare then it could be 6 or 6:30. And most mornings during the week, I'm still having to wake him up at 6:30. Still on the 2 nap routine which is a blessing and a curse at the same time. I will be sad when he's only taking one 2 hour nap, but it will be nice to not have to plan our weekends around 2 naps.
Eating is still pretty good. He has days where he doesn't seem to want to eat anything, but he must just not be hungry because when he does eat...look out. Yogurt with cheerios for breakfast is the new rage, mostly because he gets to use a spoon. Everything needs ketchup and there's no eating candy or cookies or anything sweet without him catching on. I blame Kiel for that last one.
I'm amazed every single day at the new words Jase learns. It's too hard to keep a list anymore. He babbles the entire way to and from daycare often repeating the same phrase over and over so obviously he knows exactly what he's saying. I'm sure it won't be long before he's carrying on full conversations with us.
The only thing I'm really concerned about right now are his toenails. Both of his big toes were ingrown and pretty red when he was born, but they grew out on their own. Now his toenails are really brittle and constantly break or get stuck on his socks. Dr. Proehl didn't seem too concerned about it, but said to watch out for them getting worse as it could be a fungus...gross. Other than that, he received a great report! Growing right on track and very healthy! YAY!
I took the rest of the afternoon off and took Jase home in hopes he'd get a good nap before his 18 month pictures. Even though he got a good nap in, he wanted nothing to do with the camera in his face. Every time Laura would get in front of him he would turn his back to her and smile like, "haha, you can't see me!" I was completely blown away by all the great shots she got regardless of his stubborn mood....
8-7-14 - Mama & Jase night while daddy works overtime
Do they all come with split personalities?
8-9-14 - These are a few of Jase's favorite things...
When Grammy sends me presents and mama let's me look at myself in the camera...
When my baby wants to go for a walk...
When we go golfing and I sit in front of the hole when dad is trying to putt lol
8-10-14 - DEER!
Just all of the sudden he can say Amy instead of Mamy...and now randomly yells for her.
8-14-14 - Kiel got new work boots today and Jase confiscated them. For 3 days, he would walk in the back door and yell "BOOT! BOOT!" and then this would happen...
8-22-14 - Another golf night with Mom & case you can't tell it was HOT!
8-23-14 - Jase stayed at Aunt Amy's while Kiel and I went to college friends, Trina & Scott, wedding. Trina was beautiful as was everything about the day and Scott's ear to ear grin was the cherry on top of the ice cream :)
8-24-14 - Jase got nominated for the #alsicebucketchallenge but it didn't go so well so we opted not to post on fb. FYI - the water was from the kitchen sink, it was not cold. Parents of the year!
8-27-14 - Call me biased, but dang my kid is cute
8-28-14 - We've been saying Henry looks like my dad for years, but Jase confirmed it tonight. I showed him a picture of my dad when he was 8 or 9 and asked him who it was. His immediate response was "Heny." The only reason he says Grandpa "Paga" is because I told him who it was before I took this video.
8-31-14 - I haven't been to a Thresherman's parade since I don't know when, but I jumped back on the bandwagon for Jase's first parade! He was a little overwhelmed when the steam engine at the beginning went off and kept saying, "bye bye" whenever a fire engine would turn on it's siren, but as soon as he got that first sucker, he was all good...
About half way through the parade, he jumped suddenly and started whining and grabbing his arm. There were little sweat bees driving everyone nuts the entire time so I'm pretty sure he got stung but he handled it like a champ and now we know he's not allergic so I guess it wasn't a catastrophe.
It was like a light bulb went off in his head when he saw Jack and realized he was the same Jack as the one on the fridge. He got a HUGE smile on his face and kept saying, "Hi, Jack!" over and over.
And apparently Kiel is a baby whisperer...Leo loved him!
Closing out August a little better than we started. The fits are still happening, but seems like there is at least a day or 2 in between the really bad ones. I'm really starting to wonder if he's cutting more teeth because his hands are ALWAYS in his mouth and I can't keep up with his slobber and runny nose.
Hands down his favorite activities right now are looking at pictures and videos of himself on my phone (he brings it to me and yells JASE!) and anything golf related. Tonight I asked him if he wanted to go for a ride, meaning in the car, and he responded with, "golf cart?" He's been bitten by the golf bug.
One of the most hilarious developments to date is when he's trying to tell me something and it takes 4 or 5 tries for me to understand what he wants. When I finally get it, he claps his hands and yells, "YAY!!!" like he's congratulating me for figuring it out. Wonder where he gets that from?!
He is still really into saying no so we hear a lot of, "No, daee" "No, mama." And since he's a sponge, he is constantly saying "Hey!" just like me when something happens he doesn't like. Cracks. Me. Up.
Even though we wouldn't know it by the weather, I can't believe summer is almost over. Time please slow down.