9-2-14 - Daddy finally got that sweet Christmas present from Grammy & Papa out of the basement. He LOVED it and then decided "no like it" and hasn't ridden it since. 19 month olds are fickle.
9-4-14 - My awesome friend Suzy, has an awesome husband who wanted to make their wedding anniversary awesome so he bought her tickets to Garth Brooks. Unfortunately for Wade but fortunately for me, he's a football coach so he couldn't go to the concert. As Suzy, Amy and I were praising Wade for our tickets while walking up to our seats behind the stage and almost all the way at the top, a woman walked up to us and just handed us tickets 4 rows from the stage. Have I mentioned how awesome Wade is?!?
My phone does not do justice to how close we actually were. Every time he wiped his forehead, we could see the sweat fly off his hand. The man lived up to his reputation, the concert was amazing!
The people in front of us got on the kiss cam during Trisha Yearwood's "She's in Love with the Boy" but were too busy high fiving us and videoing the big screen that they never even kissed. We totally photo bombed their moment #garthbrooks2014
9-6-14 - I'm writing this post so late, I don't even remember what prompted us to go to the Peoria zoo.
Jase loves snakes "sssssssssssssssssss"
I was 100% terrified that one of these birds was going to poop on me, but it was pretty cool being in this cage with all of them flying around us.
We had a nest right outside our back door that had baby birds in it so Jase calls all birds "babies." This "baby" was really brave!
He never. stops. moving.
"FEESH! WAER! (slurp)"
When we got home from the zoo, Jase was asleep but woke up when we got inside to put jammies on. I asked if he needed to go potty like I always do at night and he said "ya!" so in we went to sit on the potty. He tooted a few times (which made us both laugh) so I asked him if he needed to poop and he said, "ya!" He started grunting, gritting his teeth and shaking his fist (yes it was hilarious) and then he just starred at me. I figured he was just playing so I got him off the toilet and to my surprise there was POOP in his potty chair! (anyone else shocked by how big a little kids poop is?!) I made a HUGE deal about it, Jase was running around naked yelling "I poop, I poop!" Kiel was unloading the car so I stuck my head outside and yelled (at 9 at night) "JASE JUST POOPED ON THE TOILET!" I got an embarrassed look and a "ok" I immediately sent a text to our mom's, dad's, and sister's...and there may or may not have been a picture to Uncle Evan. I was excited ok?! Jase and I were still celebrating while we were cleaning up the potty chair and as I was telling him how proud I was of him...he peed right there on the rug. Baby steps ;)
How big is this kid?!
9-7-14 - We love Pfaff's doughnuts (video)
9-8-14 - One step closer to becoming a man...
"We're going to steal the....MOON!" - Despicable Me
9-9-14 - Soccer season has begun! I wish I would have gotten the way he says soccer ball on video.
9-13-14 - Sleep over with JJ & Haydie!! This kid loves his cousins and their shoes.
9-14-14 - I walked out of the bedroom to this. He said "I cimbing up mommy, I cimbing up!" Super.
9-18-14 - (video) Can't grow up in this family without being tossed every now & then
9-20-14 - Grammy and Papa surprised the ladies for special person day at school so we had a lot of Pshak family time over the weekend. I'm so glad we took this trip to Radar Farms.
This picture cracks me up! Uncle Bryan was the only one willing to get his picture taken.
This is the scarecrow Hayden's class built...those are Bryan's swim trunks lol
There were about 30 pictures of Jase, Hayden and me on this jumping thing, but Jase looks like he's having a terrible time in all of them except this one. They had a blast, I was exhausted.
Jase wanted to ride the caterpillar choo choo SO bad....until I put him in it.
Haydie to the rescue!
There is so much fun stuff for the kids here! He loved the little houses.
Kiel with the twins uh I mean, Shilo & Mark ;-)
Tried to get a picture of all 3 kids in the back of this old truck...2 out of 3 ain't bad I guess.
Jase decided to throw himself on the ground and cry instead.
Wait. Cake? Oh, I'm fine.
Wait. Cake? Oh, I'm fine.
9-22-14 - Engagement Pics
9-24-14 So we had this rash. Well Jase had this rash on the top of his thighs that migrated to the back just under his butt. It wasn't hives or diaper rash, it was like eczema or an allergic reaction like he had when he had apple juice for the first time. We saw the Dr about it last week and she gave him some cream, cleared it up after just a few doses no biggie. Dr Proehl had sinus surgery so we saw a different dr in her office and while she was checking Jase's vitals, she discovered he has a heart murmur. She got really quiet while she was listening to his heart and took longer than any other dr has so before she told me, I already knew. Kiel and a lot of the men in his family have/had a murmur so I've kind of been expecting it. She scheduled an echo and test results came back as not harmful so no further steps to take. It's just good to know about it for when he starts playing sports or if he ever needs surgery. He blew the echo out of the water laying completely still for the entire thing. That damn paci is going to be the death of me.
Dr. Stats: Officially 3 ft tall (36 in, 100%) and weighs 29.8lbs (94%)
I need to count the number of teeth he has because I'm way behind in this department. Seems like he pops 2 or 3 in at a time so I lost track awhile ago. I do know he has all 4 of his eye teeth popped through the surface right now. Now that I'm typing this, I'm wondering if I can attribute the runny nose he's had for the last 2-3 weeks to all that movement in his sinuses (it's Oct 5th and it's still a faucet). Thanks teeth.
9-26-14 - Took Jase to his first Pontiac HS football game. If it wasn't for the band and popcorn he would have lasted about 30 seconds.
9-27-14 - This picture should probably be blown up and framed. The Ryder Cup is on...golf junkies.
Finally got Jase out to Jack's to check out the petting zoo :) Can't believe I didn't get a picture of Jase and Jack's dog, Duke. 2 weeks later and Jase is still saying, "Bye bye Duke"
It was dinner time and we had a MAJOR meltdown. 4-wheeler ride it is!
Next stop, Jase's first meal at Bianchis...best pizza ever.
9-28-14 - And this is what we do for fun on Sundays (video)
Kiel is in the last year of his apprenticeship at Ameren and has 2 more training sessions left to complete. He leaves tomorrow for 2 weeks in Belleville and I'm not the only one dreading it. Usually he's in Decatur and can make the drive each night, but 3 hours each way isn't really feasible so he'll only come home over the weekend in between. Hopefully it'll go fast & be uneventful!
9-29-14 - We've been having a rough patch with bathtime, but it's gotten a lot better lately. Tonight he kept pulling the towel over his head and saying, "I seeping mommy!" making snoring noises and then yelling (while laughing), "Ake up deer! Ake up!"
9-30-14 - Kind of hard to see, but facetiming with Daddy!
The phone started ringing and he said "Grammy?!" since she's who we usually facetime with. He kept taking the phone out of my hand and blabbering on and on to Kiel like he was having a full conversation with him. We can't get anything by him anymore...he asks where Kiel is when he gets up in the morning and the minute we pull in the driveway at the end of the day. And it's really throwing him off seeing Kiel's car in the garage where his truck usually is. He keeps saying, "Daddy car doing?" I'm not the only one that misses Kiel while he's gone anymore.
If I haven't made it clear, Jase is talking a TON! Like never stops. And if he's talking to you, I hope you're paying attention because if you're not he's going to keep repeating it over and over and over until you acknowledge you understand him. We're getting pretty good at learning Jaseanease.
September has been a month of colors! 9 times out of 10 when asked what color something is, the answer is GEEN! We talk about colors all. the. time. He knows his shoes are blue, but apparently would prefer them to be green. He gets purple and pink right most of the time and we're getting a lot better with yellow as it's the color of his backhoe and other heavy machinery. The love for those has not changed.
It's harvest season in central Illinois so tractors are abundant and he gets his fair share of entertainment watching them from Kyra's window everyday. Her husband, Denny, (Jase calls him by his nickname, Goose lol) has taken Jase in the tractor a few times. Before we even turn down the lane in the morning Jase is asking, "Tactor? Wagon? Get in it?"
We've moved on from Despicable Me to Rio and Rio 2. Obsessed doesn't even come close to how this kid feels about Rio. It's the first thing he asks for when he wakes up, when we walk in the door after daycare, and the minute his feet hit the floor after a bath, "Weo? Peease!" We were in the car coming home from daycare one day and he starts yelling, "MONKEY COMING, MONKEY COMING" and pointing out the moon roof. I thought maybe he saw a cloud that looked like a monkey, but when I told Kiel about it he reminded me of the part in Rio when a monkey gets throw in the air and then falls out of the sky. My mind was blow that he can make that connection.
I keep wondering when I will stop being surprised at the things he learns or accomplishes everyday. His ability to express his wants/needs is getting so much clearer and really seems to make a difference with the tantrums. Towards the end of the month, things started to get a lot better in that department. I'm starting to be able to tell when he's actually upset about something or just frustrated and it's helping to keep his reactions under control. He's still got a temper, but we're learning how to deal with it in a way that works for Jase. For now anyways.
And while he still makes me question my sanity every now and then, he can flip a switch and be just as sweet. My heart explodes when he randomly comes up behind me and hugs or kisses my legs. When he gets in trouble, he immediately wants to give me a kiss which I'm pretty sure is a distraction tactic, it works. He started responding, "wa ooo" and giving kisses when we say "love you". When he's done with his M&Ms he gets for using the potty he takes his bowl into the kitchen, he goes to the fridge and asks for milk when he's thirsty, he throws his pacifier in his bed before we get up for the day, and he sings, "clean up clean up" with me when it's time to pick up his toys. He knows where the dirty clothes go, he regularly tells me what he wants for dinner and it's usually pa-pies (french fries) and he gives the BEST "big skeezes" (squeezes) ever given.
One day last week when I picked him up from daycare, his friend Laney handed him his backpack (I helped him put it on), he turned and said "Bye Ky" and walked out the door all by himself. I still call him my baby, but he's really becoming a big boy. I'm such a proud mama :)
(no updates in sleep or eating department. still excelling in both, much appreciated)
We're gearing up for October making plans to visit the pumpkin patch when daddy's done with training and getting Jase's Halloween costume ordered. I've started thinking about things like Christmas and Jase's 2nd birthday...time please slow down!