Monday, February 1, 2016

Baby - - > Big boy - - > Threenager


Here we go, your year 3 letter.

Can you believe you'll start school this year?  I signed you up for pre-school screening the other're so ready.  I hope I am.

I've heard you say, "I'm mommy's baby boy" a lot lately.  Like you know I need to hear it sometimes.

There are afternoons when I pick you up from Kyra's and I swear you've grown half an inch and lost just a little more of those little boy cheeks I love so much.  It catches me off guard a lot, like I haven't been paying close enough attention to the particulars like the shape of your eyes or how you just never stop growing.

And not just physically - your personality is in full bloom and you are ALL. BOY.  Our home is filled with monster trucks, tractors, hot wheels cars, dinosaurs, swords, guns, bats, balls, spider man, star wars, TMNT...if it's boy related, you love it.  You are opposed to anything pink or purple, but you're never too shy to play with Bevin and her dollhouse when she comes over :)  If you're not talking about some kind of vehicle or shooting & cleaning animals (yes, at 3 you're all about "getting the blood out"), then you're talking about your penis, your pee or your poop.  I knew it was coming.  I knew having a boy would fill my life with pee on the toilet seats and endless amounts of potty talk, but apparently I was not prepared for how quickly it comes.  I hope when you're 18, you appreciate the stories about how proud you are of your manhood at this age...and your father's for that matter.  Your latest saying on repeat is "The password is Penis."  Oy.

Most of the time though, you're just straight up make us laugh CONSTANTLY!  I've recently started to write down some of your little "Jaseisms" and I've already got quite the post going.  You blow us away with the things that your expanding brain comes up with.  I love watching the wheels in your head turning when you're processing new information and the questions you form to understand things.  Your imagination is really taking off as well.  I'm still not convinced you need actual corn to fill up your combines with though...         

That temper I mentioned last year is still hanging around.  To say you are strong willed is an understatement.  You can lose your mind at the drop of a hat and just as I'm about to lose mine, you'll look up at me with those big blue eyes and...snap...we're best friends again.  You keep us on our toes boy.  There are mornings when I'm sweating from fighting you all the way from the bed to the door, but at some point each time that happens, I have to take a deep breath and remember...

Because through all the tough mornings and napless afternoons, you are still just 3.  Someday I'll probably miss your crazy threenager logic on why you don't like certain shirts and why some days no toilets are acceptable.  I hope one day it turns you into a leader so I can look back and remember that you've had that fight in you all along.

I have so much more that I could say about you, I haven't even touched on your sweet side, but since you're old enough to have an opinion, I thought it would be best to let you do the were in such a great mood when we did this...

20 Questions with Jase Russell Pshak 1/28/2016
  1. What is your favorite color? Blue (Kiel says green, I always hear him say blue)
  2.  What is your favorite toy? a green choo choo and a blue elephant and a green car ( so much randomness)
  3.  What is your favorite food?  soup (truth)
  4.  Drink? chocolate milk (truth)
  5.  What is your favorite animal? Elephant (sure)
  6. What is your favorite song? French Fries?  I do not know (real answer is "Up Town Funk You Up")
  7. What makes you happy? Letters (lol ok)
  8. What makes you sad? No letters (I'm dying laughing)
  9. What is your favorite thing to do? eat dinner (apparently he's hungry)
  10. Who is your best friend? Wyatt (he has met Wyatt once...Kiel had just told him Wyatt was coming to his party and he was VERY excited lol)
  11. What do you want to be when you grow up? "A Lineman" (Kiel provided that answer) Jase's follow up answer - "A Guy in the castle that throws bouncy balls out and goes down the ladder on my booty"
  12. What is love? It means I love you
  13.  How old are you? 2 but I'm gonna be 3
  14.  How old is mommy? 4
  15.  How old is Daddy? 3
  16. Where does Daddy work? at the lineman place
  17. Where does Mommy work? at the worker place
  18.  Where do you live? in Pontiac
  19. Where is your favorite place to go? to get toys - to get a green car at the toy store
  20. What do you want for your birthday? cups (what? dying laughing again)
I don't think I'll ever be able to explain to you how much I love your personality, your red hair, your baby much I just love you.  I'm looking forward to another great summer on the lake, more fun in Wisconsin Dells, and all the many times you'll make me smile this year.  I pray I take the time to enjoy them all because I know I won't be able to keep track.

All my love and then some...Happy Birthday, chicken nugget.

Love you, love you
