Friday, May 13, 2016

P2 - 15/16 weeks

We had our 15 week appointment with Dr. Dalton on Tuesday, May 3rd and since I was certain we'd be having another ultra sound, Kiel arranged to leave work early and we decided to take Jase so he could see his "baby sister."  Apparently pregnancy brain has officially kicked in because I was not scheduled for an ultra sound (why would I be at 15 weeks?!), BUT I have been having a lot of spotting this pregnancy so Dr. Dalton decided to go ahead and do one since I had mentioned it last time and it was still happening.  Thankfully everything looks great so just chalking it up to another way this pregnancy is differing from my first one.  Never hurts to get an extra peek though...

Profile View - Left side 5/3/16
Not a very good picture as baby was pressed up against something so no real clear look at anything, including genitals.

At our first sono, Dr. Dalton informed me I have a very tilted uterus and she couldn't see the baby via an external sono so we had to do an internal one.  No big deal, we both figured by 15 weeks baby would be big enough to start doing external ones.  Not so much.  She said it's nothing to be concerned about, some women are just built like that but it's so strange to me because I never had a single internal sono with Jase and this time it seems like that's the only way we'll be able to see this baby.  I guess Jase really did a number on my insides.  Dr also noted that my placenta is in the front this time which she said is also not something to worry about, but I immediately started thinking about a cause for a c-section.  We'll talk more about the placement of the placenta at our next appointment when we can see things a little more clearly.

16 weeks pregnant w/Jase
We again opted to forgo any genetic testing, but all my labs checking for things like blood type (A+), anemia, etc. all came back looking great.  Dr. Dalton says I'm in tip top shape and have gained about 6 lbs.  I am thankful she cannot tell I've been eating large bowls of vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate and any kind of candy bar I can get my hands on.  Self control is at an all time low right now.  I need to get Jase's baby book out to check my weight gain since I didn't document that very well on the blog.  I feel like I'm showing a lot more than I was last time at 16 weeks.  I'm still wearing my regular jeans in this picture from 16 weeks pregnant with Jase...I have no words for this picture.  Or those jeans that have not surfaced from the tub I packed them in probably 10 min after I took this picture almost 4 years ago :|

And since I'll probably reference the blog from my 1st pregnancy a lot, here's the link to my 16 week update with Jase.  Kiel had just found out he got accepted into the apprenticeship program with Ameren.  That was a very happy post :) 

I started feeling baby move during week 15, but very sporadically.  It's only when I sit down at the end of the day that I can feel little butterflies just to the left of my belly button.  It wasn't until 18 weeks that I started "thinking" I could feel Jase moving so pretty typical from what I've read about the 2nd time around.  I think a lot of the excitement of the 2nd pregnancy gets lost on your day to day life with your first child, but feeling these movements really made me stop and realize what is happening.  WE'RE GOING TO HAVE 2 CHILDREN!  I feel like Owen Wilson in Armageddon,
"I'm great, I got that "excited/scared" feeling. Like 98% excited, 2% scared. Or maybe it's more. It could be, it could be 98% scared, 2% excited but that's what makes it so intense, it's so - confused. I can't really figure it out."  He nailed it.

In other happenings:  
May hasn't been the driest month so far, but we had a great first weekend with friends & celebrating Mother's Day.  Saturday, we had a fish fry at the house along with a little birthday celebration for dad.  If you look closely at the picture of the frosting from the cake I dropped on the garage floor you can still read the "Happy Birthday"  Oops

There was good food, an intense game of baseball and we ended the night with a fire and s'mores.  Love having a house and backyard that can hold so many of our friends and their kids :)

Happy 59th birthday Grandpa Gregg!
Last year on Mother's Day, we took the boat out for the first time - the weather was MUCH different this year!  Had a great morning at church and brunch with the fam :)  3 out of 4 kids looking.  Perfect.

Jase is at such a fun age for gift giving.  He came running in the kitchen with the box behind his back and shouted, "We got you something for Mother's Day mom but I can't tell you what it is!  It's a bracelet!" LOL

Kiel and I got 9 holes in early afternoon and Jase and I got a nap in really was a great day!

Kiel has been letting Jase dig with his excavator in the mulch in the front landscaping (eye roll) so a sandbox has been in the works and he finally got it.  This kid is in heaven.  It's the first thing he asks about when he wakes up in the morning, he goes straight out there when we get home from Kyra's and plays until I make him come in for dinner and it's the last thing he asks about before he goes to bed.  Well worth the $, 16 bags of sand and dead grass! 

And yes, there is a cover to keep Leroy, the neighborhood cat, from using it as a litter box.

Our next OB appointment is May 25th at 8:45 so that will probably be my next post as we'll get the official word on the gender of our little man ;)  Gender reveal pictures to come!

Your Baby is as Big as a Avocado
  • Baby's listening to your voice, thanks to tiny bones forming in his or her ears.
  • Baby's growing hair, lashes and eyebrows.
  • And baby's forming taste buds.
Now, baby's about 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces, and is big enough that your doctor may be able to hear his or her heartbeat.
Stay on the lookout for some fluttering sensations in your abdomen. It might not be right at 16 weeks, but pretty soon you’ll start feeling baby moving around in there. At first those moves might feel like gas or a muscle twitch, but over time, as baby gets bigger and stronger, they’ll be unmistakable. Of course, feeling those movements comes with other issues, like having your lungs crowded by your growing babe. That could make it seem tough to catch your breath from time to time. Don’t worry: There are some positive symptoms you might be having at week 16. For example, some moms-to-be find their hair and nails grow faster. (Your hair might actually look thicker and more lustrous and your skin might look radiant, too. Woo hoo!) Another cool fact? Baby’s starting to be able to hear your voice—and she’ll recognize it at birth—so feel free to chat her up.

Pregnancy Symptoms at 16 Weeks

  • You might start feeling baby move!
  • Backaches, another effect of pregnancy hormones. Make sure you're exercising, that you're sitting and standing up straight and do some stretches.
  • bigger boobs—they should be ready for breastfeeding by the end of the second trimester.
  • Constipation, as your uterus starts pressing on your intestines.
  • Forgetfulness (aka pregnancy brain). No one knows for sure what causes this!
  • Faster hair and nail growth (a great excuse for a new cut and manicure).
  • Dry, itchy, sensitive eyes. Blame the hormones once again.
  • Glowing skin (finally—that pregnancy glow that people are always talking about!)