Thursday, October 25, 2012

26 weeks - Big Emotions Tiny Kicks

Had the dreaded 1 hour glucose test levels were a good 106 (should be between 80 and 120 I believe).  Yay for no gestational diabetes!  I was completely frightened by the diet they recommend with that.  Less carbs?  What kind of life is that??

26 Weeks - 10.23.2012
Made a trip to Earlville Saturday for a Russell baby shower.  My 94 year old Grandpa informed me after Jase and the other 2 babies due next year are born, our family will be almost in the 140's (that's just his kids, grandkids, great-grand kids)!  The man is still sharp as a tack...he seriously has an easier time naming all of our family members then I do...and his stories/jokes get better with age, just like him :)  Also got to make a quick stop to see Grandma Farm & Bob - visits seem to be getting too few and far between, but any time is good time.

Got to really test out the new camera on Sunday.  Amy took pictures of the kids in the park & I assisted with the family ones.   Considering we've never done this before, I think they turned out great!  Makes me so anxious to try it on Jase!  

A couple things have really tested my emotional threshold this week.  For starters, it's become pretty apparent to me that pregnancy is changing the dynamic of mine & Kiel's relationship (I'm sure that's true for most couples).  We used to joke that we felt like an old married couple after living together for less then 2 years...but now I REALLY feel like an old married couple.  Maybe it's because we got pregnant first and didn't have the time being married to enjoy being an "us" or maybe it's just because a baby is a very overwhelming life change, or more likely it's my crazy baby hormones.  No matter what the reason, it's pretty obvious we're taking on roles neither one of us were truely "ready" for.  This pregnancy is still a blessing, we love Jase more then anything already, but I feel like maybe we'd be a little better at accepting how our lives are changing had we done things in the order we planned.  I think sometimes it's still hard to wrap my head around the 180 turn our life has made.  We were still in "single" mode.  Renting a house, splitting the bills, being selfish, and just basically doing whatever we wanted.  All of the sudden, everything is about getting ready for the baby while Kiel adjusts to his new job and we talk about buying a house while still trying to be those people we were before we got this life changing news.  Maybe it just comes down to the fact that when I think about everything that's going's overwhelming...even without being pregnant.  Ah, growing up is fun ;) 

On top of all the hormones, this cold seemed to just keep getting worse making me a little more irritable and tired then normal  (yes Kiel I'm actually admitting my attitude lately has been teetering below my usual "awesome").  But what really shoved me over the edge was, for some reason Saturday evening (TMI TIME!!!!) Jase decided to venture as far south in my uterus as possible and touch/kick/punch anything and everything he could.  I don't think it would have been so bad if it was just every once in awhile, but it was like he found my bladder or a ligament or whatever and kept flicking it like a guitar string over and over and over.  Sleep was almost impossible Sunday and I was actually in tears Monday evening because I was overly exhausted and he just wouldn't stop...already proving he's an excellent listener ha!  Thankfully he must have gotten bored with that activity, made his way back north, and I was able to capture this little gem on Tuesday...

All of the movement pretty much happens right in the middle of my belly....maybe slightly to the right.  It starts off a little slow and I wish I could turn it so my belly was at the top, but once he starts moving you can't miss it.  Sorry it's so long, I didn't want to stop recording!

Jase Kicking - 10.23.2012 - 26 Weeks

I've been hoping to get my belly jumping on video for awhile so I was pretty excited when he actually cooperated!!  Pretty much made me forget what I was so upset about earlier in the week :)  Will try again in a few weeks when he's even bigger.  Since the last post Kiel has seen the movement in person, but still has yet to feel him.

                                                  Your baby's the size of a head of lettuce!
She's still growing in the 13.6- to 14.8-inch and 1.5- to 2.5-pound range, 
and developing her senses, features and talents! 
  • Her eyes are forming, and his eyes will soon start to open.
  • And her eyelashes are now grown, too.
  • She's getting her immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up your antibodies.
  • She's taking breaths, too. They're of amniotic fluid, not air, but it's still good practice.
Last week of the month long climbing school for Kiel.  I know he'll be glad to get into a regular routine at work and I think we'll both be happy not to hear his alarm going off at 4:30am anymore!

No check ups or appointments until the MFM appt on November 7th.  Looking forward to some R&R this weekend - maybe a little pumpkin carving and stocking up on Halloween candy!  Again - yay for no gestational diabetes!!!! 


Disclaimer:  To the few readers we have, please remember, I started this blog for Kiel & I to be able to look back at and help us remember our first pregnancy so please don't look too far into the not so happy times I write about.  In order for the blog to be an actual representation of what's going on in our lives, I have to be honest about the ups AND the downs.  It's all just part of the process and in the end it will all work out for the best :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

25 weeks - MFM

Week 25 has been pretty uneventful.  We had a great weekend going to dinner with some friends, celebrating Kiel's sister's birthday with her family, and wrapping up registering whoop whoop!

The only thing I really have to report on is the news we got from our ultra sound to recheck baby boy's kidneys last Friday.  I hadn't heard anything from the Dr's office so Tuesday over lunch I called to check in.  Dottie (my favorite) told me his renal area was still borderline dilated....still enlarged.  She's so good about answering my questions and reassuring me that this is something that is fairly common in little boys and usually just corrects itself after birth even though it's something they like to keep an eye on just in case.  Dr Ingram offered me the option to go to Peoria to Maternal Fetal Medicine to have a specialist take a look since we don't have that option in Pontiac.  It's a little overwhelming to think there's a need for him to be seen by a specialist, but there are a few things that make it a little easier for me to just sit back and take it as it comes.  First of all, Dr. Ingram gave me the choice if I wanted to go or not - it's not mandatory, which means it's not an emergency.  To reinforce it's not an emergency, my appointment isn't until November 7th so obviously it's not something they are overly concerned about.  She also called it an "evaluation".  They're not running tests on him, they're not taking blood, or anything invasive.  They're just going to have someone who specializes in kidney development take a look and tell us exactly what's going on.  I could go in there on the 7th and never have to go back again...or maybe they'll want to see me multiple times before he comes....either way I'm glad we have the option.  And there's actually a bonus to needing to go to Peoria...we'll get a 4D ultra sound...SCORE!!!  I can't even begin to imagine how much more we'll get to see compared to the 3D one we just had done.  I'll be almost 30 weeks by then!!

Week 25
Your baby's the size of an cauliflower!
During month six, the average fetus measures about 13.6 inches to 14.8 inches and weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 pounds. 
  • She's enjoying her new sense of equilibrium -- she now knows which way is up and which is down.
  • She's growing more fat and more hair too!
I think the cold that everyone has been passing around has finally caught up with me and Kiel has been nothing short of exhausted from climbing school so we've been pretty boring this week.  Kiel still hasn't seen or felt Jase moving!  As much as he moves I'm in total shock, but every time I say "look" he just stops.  He's really been giving my bladder a work out this week and my tailbone is pretty sore by the end of the day which I'm assuming is from all the pressure.  The way I can feel him in so many places at once really makes me think he's going to be a big baby...maybe I should cut back on those DQ blizzards I've been feeding him....probably not ;-) 


Saturday, October 13, 2012

24 weeks - He'll be cute like his daddy!

We started off week 24 with some light registering at Babies R Us and are ending it with an awesome 3D sonogram!  Kiel wasn't super excited about being my baby registry partner, but it ended up being pretty quick and painless since I had done my research.  He actually even had a few opinions that made me chose different items then I originally planned...turns out he is helpful!  I think it also helped that we had Portillos for lunch so the drive all the way to Naperville didn't seem like a TOTAL waste of time.  Going to finish up the registering with my mom & sister this weekend at Target and I am READY to be done!  My pregnancy dreams have become full of stroller malfunctions and pack-n-play recalls.  It's obnoxious!

One of my close friends from Pontiac welcomed a new baby into his family this past Monday, October 8th!  Luke, Jaime, & big sister Aubrey brought home baby girl #2 - Hattie James - which means Luke is completely out numbered, but he doesn't seem to mind :)  I got the chance to visit them in the hospital (good mom's scope out potential girlfriends for their sons right?!?!)....she's just perfect!  It makes me so anxious for our big day!  I can't wait to visit the whole family at home in the next week!

Hattie was definitely the most exciting news of this week, but coming in a close 2nd was the surprise 3D sonogram I got at my ultra sound today!  As I mentioned before, Dr Ingram wanted to re-check Jase's kidneys since they appeared a little large in the first sonogram pics.  Kiel couldn't make it to the appointment because of his training in Decatur so I asked my mom to go with me...ultra sounds are so much better when you have someone to share it with!  Turns out my mom knew the ultra sound tech so I think that won me some bonus points and when I asked her if I would ever have the chance to do a 3D ultra sound she told me there really isn't a set time and the room we were in is the only one that has the capabilities.  Next thing I knew she was changing out the ultra sound wand thing and SURPRISE!

I'm pretty sure he has his daddy's nose and possibly my upper lip.  Hard to tell though because in one pic they look thin like Kiel's, but in another you can see the indention in his top lip like mine.  Either way he's pretty cute!!!!  Not nearly as scary as I thought he would look this early.  Just love him!

Most of the movement I feel from him is on my right side about mid way up my belly and just recently I've felt him on both sides at the same time, but the last week the kicks are coming from MUCH lower.  It doesn't hurt, but I can definitely tell he's hitting some type of vital organ...kind of grosses me out.  The ultra sound tech informed me that's because he's breech and now kicking my bladder every time he moves...yep, that sounds about right.  I keep reminding him he has about 3 more months in that position and then he better be back to head down like he started!

His heartbeat was much lower at 135 bpm this visit so I can only assume he was asleep.  He wasn't moving near as much as the first one so his face was hidden for the majority of the ultra sound...we got lucky with the first pic.  In this pic his left hand is covering his face.  His nose is sticking out behind his arm and if you look closely you can see the indentation in his lip I was talking about.  Kiel has it too, it's just not as prominent as mine so I guess it's not really that surprising Jase has it too.

His left arm is still covering his face in this one.  He's holding his hands together and you can really tell how skinny he still is if you look at his elbow.  3D ultra sounds rock!!!!  

Kiel drove home every night this week since most of the other lineman have started to do the same and I can't say I mind it.  2 more weeks of this school and then back to normal business hours.  His new boots seem to have made all the difference for his sciatic nerve because it hasn't been bothering him aside from still having a little numbness in his foot.  Just glad he's not in pain anymore!  I guess he decided he liked making things more difficult for himself because Wednesday night he cut himself changing a broadhead and sliced his finger open pretty good.  If it's not one thing it's another!

24 Weeks
Your baby's the size of a cantaloupe! Your 10.5-to-11.8-inch fetus weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces and every week she gets closer and closer to being ready to survive (and thrive!) in the outside world.


With all the joy we have experienced this year, it seems 2012 is just as full of tragedy.  A couple we met through some of Kiel's close friends lost a fighting battle for their newly adopted baby boy Wednesday night October 10th.  Ethan was brought home to a loving family that waited so long to find him, but it turned out he had a metabolic disorder his body just couldn't fight off.  I can't imagine any words can comfort the Trainor's this week, but I hope Ethan is playing with Maci so they can keep each other company while they wait for their families.  


Thursday, October 4, 2012

23 weeks - Jase's 1st Plane Ride

A few months ago, I started secretly planning a trip to Denver to visit Lindsey for her birthday.  I got in around 8pm last Friday night and caught a cab to her house.  Since Justin was the only one who knew I was coming, we thought it would be HILARIOUS for me to just walk in their back door unannounced (assuming Lindsey didn't have a heart attack).  Turns out the joke was on me when what should have been a 20 min cab ride turned into an hour in bumper to bumper construction zone traffic *sigh*  When we got to Lindsey's street, the cabbie stopped at the second house on the right like Justin advised and got my bag out.  After about 5 minutes of walking up and down the street looking for the right house number with my cab driver still in tow, a nice lady came out of her house and asked if she could help us.  She kindly informed us we'd never find the address we were looking for because, wait for it....we were on the wrong street ha!  We were only 1 street off so a few minutes later I was quietly sneaking into the back yard.  The look on Lindsey's face when she realized it was me standing at her back door and not a burglar setting off her motion sensor light was nothing short of priceless!  I wish I would have counted how many time she said "I can't believe you're here!"

After staying up too late, we had a relaxing Saturday with Jack & Justin.   

I dug through Jack's baby clothes and brought home whatever I could fit in my suitcase!  The Kamis family came over to complete the Pontiac reunion for dinner & dominoes that night and I still can't get over how much the girls have changed.  Ailey wasn't even crawling the last time I saw them and now she's a walking & talking person!  And I seriously think Ava grew 2 feet.  They are absolutely beautiful & such well behaved kids.  I'm beyond disappointed in myself for not getting any pictures.  Regardless, it was great getting to spend the evening with all of them since our 10 year class reunion was going on back home....don't feel like I missed a thing!  And for the record...I had no idea dominoes were so much fun to play!

Sunday, Lindsey & Danielle had a date for early birthday pedicures so I got to tag along and get pampered too!  We had a quick lunch before Lindsey had to take me to the airport where we got a little sidetracked catching up and I still can't believe I made my flight home.  But the anxiety was totally worth it...I had a great time catching up with the girls :)

25 years of friendship right here!!!  Two days doesn't really seem like long enough when you only get to see each other a few times a year (once a year in the Kamis' case if I'm lucky), but I'll take what I can get!

I assume from all the kicking during take off Jase wasn't a big fan of the pressure, but it didn't take long for him to calm down.  I got a little uncomfortable on the return flight, but I had my kindle so I just focused on my book and before I knew it, we were landing in Bloomington.  

23 weeks
Your baby's the size of a grapefruit!
At about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces, baby's not just getting bigger, she's getting even cuter. 
  • She's forming little nipples (yeah, really!)
  • Her face is fully formed now -- she just needs a little extra fat to fill it out.
  • She's listening to your voice and your heartbeat -- and even to loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking.

Kiel started climbing school for his apprenticeship this Monday, October 1.  He goes to Decatur Monday - Friday for 4 weeks.  Lots and lots of climbing!  Seems to be a little harder in his 30s then it was in his 20s!   Since Ameren pays for hotel rooms, he's been driving home Monday & Wednesday nights and staying Tuesday & Thursdays.  Getting up at 4:30am and driving 1.5 hours 5 days a week would get old so this breaks it up a little for him.  Every 6 months for the 3 years he's an apprentice he'll go back to Decatur, but the rest of the time it will only be for 2 weeks at a time.  Here's to hoping the next 3 weeks fly by so he can get home and back into a daily routine!   
