Friday, August 23, 2013

28 weeks - Elsie Mae/2nd Grade

Total blog fail....

I left off the newest addition to the Greskoviak family last Monday!  Mom and Dad thought for sure, baby girl #2 would be early like her sister, but little Elsie Mae proved to be her own women already and held out a couple weeks longer.  She did her best to keep things interesting though arriving before the Dr made it to the delivery room :)

Elsie Mae Greskoviak
8lbs 21 inches

 Congratulations Todd, Tara, & big sister Lena!!  We can't wait to meet her!!!

8-17-2013 - Kiel & I went to a wedding in Springfield...

Jones Wedding 8-17-2013
so Jase stayed over night at Aunt Amy's.  We really had a great time.  Everything at the wedding and reception was beautiful, the food was amazing, and the band was Brushville aka Brushfire (they play in Bloomington a lot and we really like them) so we were on the dance floor a lot!  I fully believe adults need to take time for themselves every now and then (as I have often had to explain to Henry)...but around 9pm, we both agreed it would be nice to just go home and see Jase.   

8-18-2013 - Coming home to this face is the BEST

And yes, that's Kiel on the couch in the background feeling 31 after a night of acting like we're 21 :)

8-19-2013 - I don't have any pics for this date, but I did have to call Dr Proehl and get a recommendation on what if anything I could give Jase for allergies.  Not sure if it was all the different places he had been over the weekend or just all the crap in the air from the change of weather, but this kid was a sneezing fool!  He had a dry cough and red itchy eyes to boot.  Kiel is pretty sensitive to outside allergens like grass and pollen and so it seems Jase is too.  She said to give him 1/2 tsp of Childrens Benedryl every 12 hours, but if we didn't notice a difference in 24 hours, it might be more then allergies and he should probably be seen.  I gave him a dose when we got home from daycare, he slept for an hour and a half, got up long enough to eat & take a bath, went to bed and woke up a new kid.  He wasn't 100% himself yet, but I could tell the benedryl was working and by Wednesday he was our smiley baby again.  I feel like we dodged a bullet there.

8-20-2013 - First day of 2nd grade!  My oh my, a year sure does make a difference!
Aden & Bevin will start school after Labor Day, but if you ask Aden, he is NOT going to school lol
Yes, Hayden wore the same shirt on purpose :) 

I'm still making a go of homemade baby food (with the exception of a few fruits I bought for the initial test and cereal obviously) and so far we've done pretty well with everything aside from the avocados lol  He's had rice cereal, mashed potatoes, squash, pears, prunes, applesauce, bananas, carrots, avocados, and most recently green beans.  I would have to say his favorites are pears and green beans.  He "talks" the entire time he eats them and it cracks me up.  The first time I gave him green beans it sounded like he was saying "nom nom nom" every time he would take a bite.  I haven't gone crazy with making a bunch and freezing it since we have to make sure he's not allergic to each food first, but I plan on starting that over the weekend.  Going to start sweet potatoes on Saturday...this stage is so exciting :)


Monday, August 19, 2013

27 Weeks - Louisiana/Kidney Checkup/Meeting Reagan

8-10-2013 - I don't think I've mentioned this on the blog, but Kiel's dad recently accepted a job in Louisiana and the big move was this weekend.  Thankfully we had the whole weekend free to spend with them and that's exactly what we did at Aunt Shilo's.

We learned a few things...
#1 Jase loves to ride in the shopping cart w/out his carseat, which means the pumpkin seat is on the way out!

#2 He cannot be trusted unbuckled even for a minute...

 #3 He LOVES his new jumper and Pickles (the dog) :)

 and when Grammy shares her ice cream...

 and when Hayden plays with him...someday maybe she'll share her donuts ;)

 #4 Jase HATES avocados lol

 #5 Jamison does not want this picture on facebook

#6 He REALLY knows how to ham it up for the camera

8-11-2013 - Day 2 with Grammy & Papa

#7 - Seriously...cheeseball

#8 - No baby Aveeno for this kid...


 #9 Jase cut his first tooth!  Sitting right here on Papa's truck, Aunt Shilo noticed his gums were bleeding and sure enough that little booger on the bottom left had made it's way out!  All that chewing wasn't for nothin!

 #10 We're really going to miss Papa & Grammy!  Hope settling in is going great & you get your Skype set up soon!  <3 you!!

8-13-2013 - Bath time!

8-14-2013 - We went to Peoria in the afternoon for Jase's 2nd ultra sound to check on his kidney progress.

Putting his feet up while we waited our turn...clearly he's a pro at this.

 While he was well behaved as usual, he definitely did not fall asleep like the last time.  It's much harder to get a 6 month old from squirming all over the table.  The next one should be even more interesting...

 Dr. Rhea was happy to report the dilation in Jase's kidneys is GONE!  He will still need another VGRAM when he's 14 months old, but we're all very hopeful it will show the reflux is improving.  We go back at 12 months for another sonogram which seems a little silly since we will be back 2 months later for the VGRAM, but the sonograms are necessary to track the growth of his kidneys through this process.  Bring on the's the VGRAMS that suck.

 8-15-2013 - Kyra was off Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and I had a hard time finding a sitter Thursday & Friday (although Kiel will say I didn't try very hard) so I took some time off and used it to go to St Louis to meet my future daughter in law :)

She made me realize how big Jase really was when he was born!  I never had a baby this tiny to snuggle.  She's soo soo sweet!!  She also made me realize how broke I would be if Jase had been a girl...the girl has clothes!!!  I didn't get any pics of mama Suzy, but she looks amazing!!  Motherhood fits her like a glove...I'm so glad I took the time to visit them while she was still on maternity leave. 

 JP + RD = True Love Always

 This kids facial expressions are too much sometimes...

Loved snuggling these 2!  
Don't get any ideas about asking when we'll be having another one. 


Sunday, August 11, 2013

26 Weeks - Baptism/6mo Stats/Heather/Voigts Family

Well I guess we're all just going to have to accept the fact that while the blog might not get posted every Thursday as planned, it will get posted...eventually :-/

8-4-2013 - The much anticipated and talked about baptism...easy peasy

Only the perfect timing of a baby can create moments like these!  Jase held onto Rev. Ray's mic the whole time he held him lol

 We had breakfast at Baby Bulls after and Jase now loves spoons!  Thanks Grandpa ;)

Lovebirds <3
 Thanks for sharing in my big day!  I had a great time :)

8-5-2013 - Think he's got sore gums!?!??! (video)

8-6-2013 - My college roommate Heather came to visit the big man from Florida....we LOVE visitors!!!  Hope we get to see you again soon Heather  <3 you!

8-7-2013 - 6 moth well check went great!  He immediately turned on his charm for the receptionist, nurses, and especially Dr. Proehl!

We talked about his eczema patches and she suggested I change lotions to Aveeno Baby since it's fragrance free (will update how that went next week), but other then that she said he's growing right on track! 

I was right on track with his weight = 19lb 7oz (80%) and he grew almost 1.5 inches 2 mo = 28.25" (95%)

He got another round of vaccinations and seriously gave one of the nurses the stink eye after she handed him back to me.  I'm just glad he knows it wasn't me doing that to him!  No reactions to any of the shots yet again.  Will be back at 9mo for some more shots & stats.

The Voigts clan was in town for a week and we finally got the boys together long enough to get some good pics.  I just love when they visit, but we found out, we need to get better about planning our time together during their visits.  Now that we both have little ones, it's a little harder to make our schedules match up.  Will be more involved next time!!! 

Some good practice for Jack for Baby V 2.0

Can you feel Jack's love?!??!  Jase could :)

8-8-2013 - Lindsey & Jack stopped for a quick goodbye before heading back to Bloomington the night before they flew home.  Won't be long until Jase is riding this Harley, but thanks to Jack, it's kid approved!

  Family selfie!

- Nicole