Mama (points to my phone, chapstick, bra, etc)
Mama CAR!!!
Mama UP (arms stretched up for me to hold him)
Mamamamamamamamamamama and my heart explodes every. single. time.
Don't get me wrong, "da-eeee" is still said 10 times to one "mama" but he's now saying it on his own instead of only when prompted...I feel like I'm real too now lol I can hear him yell (in excitement) as I come in the door at daycare and of course when he wants something he knows mama will get it for him...sucker.
7-3-14 - Kicked off our holiday weekend with a cookout and raspberry picking at the Henkel's
7-4-14 - Happy 4th of July! - Home of the free because of the brave
Kiel golfed in the morning (shocking) so Jase & I had a nice relaxing morning/afternoon at home. After a great morning nap, he celebrated his freedom by mowing the yard I'd already mowed, stomping around in his pool, relaxing in his lawn chair, eating at Grandpa's and a little light golfing...nailed it.
Unfortunately, the fireworks weren't a hit as I'd hoped they'd be. We actually saw some the night before and got a glimpse into his reaction to the loud boom. There was some shaking and crying so we were prepared for more of that.
Blurry, but the blank stare warranted a spot on the blog...
I guess Jase decided he just wasn't going to give the fireworks the satisfaction of scaring him so he just went to sleep after about 3 of them. There's a solution to every problem I suppose.
7-6-14 - An impromptu trip to Earlville mostly spent riding the "mawn mow" with Grandma
Home to read books and golf with daddy...
7-7-14 - A glimpse into the future...
7-8-14 - Yesterday morning, Jase woke up at 3:45am with a 103.2 fever. He went back to sleep with no fuss after some motrin and a little rocking, waking up at usual time, happy with a normal temp. I struggled with sending him to daycare but he's been chewing on everything and slobbering a lot lately so I chalked it up to another teething related fever and went ahead with the normal routine. Around 10am, Kyra called to see if she could give him some motrin before his morning nap (red flag #1: she never asks to give him meds). I called to check in after lunch and she said he slept for 2 hours (red flag #2: he never sleeps longer than an hour there) and didn't want anything to do with Henry (red flag #3: um what?). I made a call to the phone nurse at the pediatricians office and got the usual, "alternate with tylenol & motrin every 4 hours and if his fever isn't controlled by tomorrow make an appt." The fact that he didn't want to play with Henry was really eating at me so I finished some things up at work and picked him up around 2, he looked pathetic. Took his temp at 103.5, crap. He had a few nice rounds of diarrhea before bed and was heaving like he was about to throw up, but never actually vomited. Thankfully he slept through the night as usual, but I never really got his fever to go below 101 even with meds and this morning it was 102.3.
Called the dr's office again and made an appointment. 20 minutes before we left, I checked his temp...a perfect 98.6. Go figure. As he was throwing a fit because I wouldn't let him hit me with his golf club, I noticed some red spots on the inside of his lower lip. They kind of looked like little blood blisters almost like he'd bit his lip in a couple different places. Made a mental note to tell Dr. Proehl about those spots and the little bumps on the bottom of his heel I had noticed last night. Quickest appointment ever. Sat down in the waiting room at 10:10am and walked out the door at 10:31am. Diagnosis...Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease (does it really need to have the word disease in it?). No meds for it, just have to ride it out and keep his fever down. Watch for dehydration since the sores in his mouth (which now resembled chicken pox and had migrated to the inside top lip and roof of his mouth) can be very painful and cause him to stop eating/drinking all together. No other reports of HFM at the sitters so he probably picked it up at Wal-mart or somewhere else we'd be recently...I do catch him licking the handles of the carts every now and then. Yes I sanitize them, yes it's still disgusting. Headed to Walgreens for more motrin and then home for the rest of the day.
Having an unexpected day off work is usually a very welcomed event in my book, but this week both Mark & Andy are out of town and Kathy is only there Mon & Wed so hearing this could last 7-10 days wasn't so exciting. Apparently, my boss has a 6th sense about these things as he randomly asked Kathy a few weeks ago to pick up Tuesday this week, and I quote, "just in case Nicole's kid gets sick." Well played, Mark, well played.
Not quite as dramatic as it sounds when I read that back, but documentation is what this blog is all about!
On a lighter note...a 103 fever ain't got nothing on a pillow pile (video)
7-9-14 - Fever is down, self five! He isn't eating very well even refusing jello and ice cream, but I put some Gatorade in one of Kiel's water bottles so he's been drinking just fine since he thinks he's pretty hot stuff drinking out of daddy's cup. Speaking of Kiel, he went into work last night around 7pm and worked all night and is now home with Jase on 0 sleep because as I mentioned, this is a terrible week for me to be gone so I had to come into work for awhile. Sorry!
Kiel slept all night after I got home, understandable. We ventured outside for a little change of scenery, had a dance party in the bathtub and popsicles before bed. Totally slacked on pics.
7-10-14 - Jase could have gone to daycare today, but he had a little more diarrhea last night and still isn't eating very well so Kiel took a sick day and kept him home one more day. Aside from his crabby pants attitude, he does seem back to normal. The sores in his mouth are pretty much non-existent, but the 2 small "blisters" on his heel are still there. Dinner was a complete bust tonight, but we had McDonalds for lunch today which I actually feel pretty good about because he ate every single bite of it. So many tears and lots of "NO NO NO" the last few days. I think it's time to go back to the sitter.
Speaking of daycare...found out 3 other kids plus Aden & Bevin are down with about mom guilt.
7-11-14 - After 3 days of being at home, this morning was rough for Jase. Hoping playing with his friends and getting some fresh air away from mom & dad will be good for him. I love to cuddle with my boy, but this clingy, whiny baby has got to go.
7-12-14 - Nothing like a Pfaff's chocolate long john to kick off a full day of eating normally!
and a little pouting after being told "no hitting"...he really lives a tough life
He had been quarantined long enough. To the Children's Museum!
This is the 3rd floor of the Children's Museum and if you can't tell, Jase isn't heavy enough to make the keys light up on his own, but that didn't stop him from trying!
7-13-14 - Cuddles with my boy...watching videos of the "baby"
7-14-14 - Just as Jase was getting over his Hand, Foot & Mouth, Kiel got it #whompwhomp. I don't think he ever had a fever, but his hands and feet were dry and itchy and his throat was disgusting. I will spare you the picture. You're welcome.
He's getting really good at pointing out people in
7-15-15 - Kiel had the pleasure of having diaper duty this morning and sent me this text "When I was cleaning his butt off he was jabbering I said u stink buddy he says "taco" We had tacos for dinner last night hahahaha #timingiseverything
The local 4H fair was this week...
Jase liked the animals...from a distance. But of course the tractors were his fav.
Who doesn't love stepping on already broken clay pigeons?
And the rodeo. Pretty sure the highlight of the night was when Amy & I changed Jase right there in the stands without anyone around us noticing. #teamwork And the popcorn...don't forget the popcorn.
7-19-14 - Matt & Amy had an adult night in STL and Henry had his first sleepover so it was a ABJ kind of Saturday at the park...
And while Jase napped, the twins went was a little chilly, but these fish didn't care.
7-20-14 - I woke up this morning to discover the air mattress I slept on had completely deflated. The kids thought it was hilarious.
After Matt & Amy picked up the kids, I headed to Bloomington with Jase to run some errands completely oblivious to the secret plans being made for that evening :) Engagement Post
7-24-14 - Grammy came into town on Wednesday so Aunt Shilo & Jamison came over after work for a cookout. Uncle Evan brought the boys and they literally ran circles around him the entire time...after hotdogs of course.
Grammy's suitcase is way cooler as a seat...
7-25-14 - My first full weekend away from my boy for Trina's bachelorette party at Lake of the Ozarks. 13 of us stayed in a house in Tan Tar A Resort in Osage Beach, MO. I laughed so hard I cried for 48 straight hours and when I got home, Jase was ecstatic to see was a great weekend! #treensbachparty #ozarkbachweekend #naughtybeforescotty
It was a 3 story house with 4 bedrooms that each had their own bathroom and mini fridge...perfect
After a 6+ hour drive, we kept Friday pretty relaxed with some pool time and a few games. I'm only posting pics I won't mind my child looking at in 10+ years so...minimal.
Speaking of that child...I had my first FaceTime date with Jase. He kept running up to the phone and kissing it and Kiel said he kept trying to hug me lol Thank God for modern technology!
7-26-14 - The bridesmaids rented a boat for Saturday so we headed out on the lake about 11am and headed for Party Cove. Before and after pics only lol
Never too old for a duck face pic lol
93 degrees and sun sun sun...perfect day to be out on the water
The only group shot from the weekend. How appropriate that it's with Captain Sean :)
Great party Treen! See you in a few weeks to celebrate the big day!!
It will take me almost all week to recoup, but it was soooo worth it!
7-27-14 - 6 hours in the car with just a few stops and I was home to this boy who seemed to have grown 2 inches.
Please note: While I was away, Jase was with Kiel, Grammy and Aunt Shilo who have received big fat F's in photography. One of Kiel's aunts and 3 of his cousins were in from out of state visiting Grandma Theresa for her 90th birthday AND NO ONE TOOK ANY PICTURES OF JASE WITH THEM! I heard, "He loved Carrie, held her hand and walked around the house with her" "Lyra was sharing her snacks with him, he really liked her" WHAT?! Can you believe that even after the 89374098347 times I've annoyingly said...ooh we have to have a picture, don't forget to take pictures, did you get a picture of that....that it hasn't become a natural reaction to them. Apparently we have some work to do, guys :-P
7-31-14 - These sunglasses from the bachelorette party are the gift that keeps on giving...
Oh hey mom, I busted my nose at daycare today...perfect for family pictures next week ha!
New Words
Poscle (Popsicle)
bairpane (not sure where the B came from, but that's what it sounds like)
BOOM (burned into his brain from the tragic events of the fireworks)
pitty (pretty)
Peeckles (Aunt Shilo's dog, Pickles)
his first sentence "beeeg tuck go bye"
I think my favorite development this month is when he actually uses his name. When he pics up my iPhone and pushes the button he says, "Jase!" when his picture pops up instead of "baby!" And when he points out people in pictures on the fridge I about die when he says, "Da-eee, Mama, JASE!" So fun watching all those little wheels turning in his head :)
Going on the potty has been pretty hit or miss and for a couple weeks there were tears when we'd go in to try, but since we don't really have any expectations it hasn't really been an issue. I put him on there this morning and he kept pointing at the big toilet and saying, "da-eee potty" and then laughing hysterically when I would say, "Yes, daddy goes potty on the big potty." So somewhere in there, he gets it.
And my least favorite discovery is the rapid growth of this kids feet. On Memorial Day weekend, I bought him size 6 shoes. Not even 2 months later, I had him measured and bought him an 8. Not cool Jase, not cool.
18 months tomorrow #toobigtoofast