Friday, October 31, 2014

October - 20 months

10-2-14 - Well hello October...

10-5-14 D. I. V. A.

For some reason or another, Jase woke up from his afternoon nap today with a 101 fever.  I think I'm getting a little jaded with using the teeth excuse because he's been teething for what seems like his entire life.  But as you can tell from the above picture, he was acting fine with Motrin and went to bed just fine.  Stay tuned.

10-6-14 -  I got up at normal time and jumped in the shower.  When I got out Jase was awake and crying so I got him up and sat down to rock since it was about an hour early for him.  And then it happened.  The moment every mother dreads...the first time your toddler pukes on you.  I just sat in the chair letting him throw up in my hand because we were both covered in it and I was afraid to get up.  Kiel started his 2nd week of training in Belleville so he was up and out of the house before 6 am...perfect.  So I did the only thing I could, got us both cleaned up and called in to work.  About 20 minutes later he was running around like nothing happened while I was still trying to get that smell out of my nose.  His fever never came back and even though I kept him on the B.R.A.T. diet all day, he ate like a champ.  Chalk it up to a learning experience :-/

A little Grammy/Papa shout out later that night...

10-7-14 - Met Suzy and Reagan in Bloomington for a little light shopping and a toddler date night <3

10-11-14 - Who doesn't love a good lego tower in the morning?

Our annual trip to Tanners Orchard...

This year, Jase didn't cry at the goats OR putting his face in the hole!

 Tanners is a long drive and you should be prepared for long lines and whiney kids, but when something like this happens for the first time...that hour Kiel spent in line becomes totally worth it :)

His horses name was Cheerio and a month later, he still remembers that #makingmemories

 10-11-14 - Somebody missed his daddy...


10-14-14 I know I mentioned it last month, but colors are the best things since sliced bread right now

10-18-14 - I have been DYING to take Jase to the circus and the Ringling Bros were in Peoria so we gladly accepted when the Greskoviak's asked us to tag along.

Jase and Lena were both pretty nervous when it first started.  He had a death grip around my neck for the first 15 minutes and kept saying "no like it" and every time the crowd would clap he'd say, "all done!"  But once the performances slowed down and the animals started to come out they both got into it.

 Elephant was the first animal Jase learned how to impersonate so this was a very anticipated moment

When it was over Jase looked at me and said, "where Tigers?"  Noted.

How adorable is this?!?!?!?!
"Come on Wena"

10-19-14 - Jase woke up "barking" but was himself all day aside from the croup cough.  I had a pretty good feeling we'd be headed to the dr the next day so when he came down with a fever before bed, I called into work.  What is it with Sundays?

We fired up the vaporizor and broke out the vicks rub and bedtime seemed to go pretty smooth.  He woke us up at about 11pm having a pretty good coughing attack so I went in there to prop him up and I knew it was coming before it happened, but there was nothing I could do about it.  I yelled for Kiel to get the bucket, but it was too late.  There we sat covered in puke...again.  Why me, Jase...WHY ME?!?  He was burning up so after we got cleaned up and got some meds in him, we ventured into the living to watch a little Rio and tried to go back to sleep.  Since he is my child and won't close his eyes as long as the tv is on, we turned everything off and fell asleep in the chair.  After a couple coughing fits, we ended up on the floor.  I think he slept pretty good propped up for a few hours (I did not).  

10-20-14  I hate this day.  At about 3 am, Jase woke up weezing horribly and burning up.  I started to panic and was about 2 seconds from waking Kiel up to go to the ER when the dose of Motrin I gave him kicked in and he calmed down enough to get control of his breathing.  After about a half hour of rocking and cuddling, he finally fell back to sleep until it was time to get up for the day.  

I made an appt as soon as the dr office opened in the morning and we went it at 9:15.  Dr. Proehl was on vacation so we saw nurse practitioner, Jennifer Whitfill (caught his heart murmur).  While I hated this appt, I really, really like her.  Usually I feel like an idiot when I bring Jase to the office because he always seems to get better 5 minutes before we go, but this time it was like he amped it up just for the visit.  She took one look at him and ordered a breathing treatment...before even listening to him.  I started to sweat as I could tell by the look on her face she was concerned with his breathing.  While we waited for the treatment, 2 nurses came in to swab him for RSV and whooping cough.  His nose was so dry, the swabs made him bleed so if his screaming wasn't bad enough, his bloody nose was a little bonus.  The breathing treatment was horrible since the machine is uber loud and he's never had one so he was crying and scared which made his wheezing and coughing worse.  The swabs came back negative, thank you, but she ordered a chest x-ray just to rule out pneumonia.  

Down we went to outpatient.  I updated Kiel and felt completely overwhelmed being there by myself.  He was so tired and clinging to me and I remember that feeling when I was little and sick...just let me lay down and sleep!  We were called back pretty quickly and the torture began.  Sick kids are the most heart wrenching thing in the world.  You'd have thought they were doing the VCUG on him again.  Thankfully the nurses were quick and pretending to understand me through my sobs so we were out in about 10 minutes.  

We headed home for a nap and waited for my dad to come over so I could run and get his prescriptions...steroid for 5 days and breathing treatment machine w/ Albuterol.  After a 2.5 hour nap, we geared up for our first breathing treatment.  Went much better than at the doctors...       

The x-ray reported bronchitis which isn't fun, but much better than pneumonia.  Got 2 doses of the steroid in him before bed and nighttime went fairly smoothly.  It's a month later so I don't remember exactly if/how many times he woke up, but I feel like it was minimal.  

10-21-14 - Jase woke up like nothing had ever happened.  After a steroid shot and "teatment" he was high as a kite running like a wild man.  While I'm on the subjects of breathing treatments, I have to share this horribly cheesy video Kiel randomly came across to occupy Jase when it was time to sit down for one.  Not sure how I feel about "Blippie", but man does Jase love to watch that, "backhoe."


Jen requested to see him today for a follow up regardless of the x-ray results and she could tell the minute she entered the room he was feeling better.  Yesterday, he couldn't even stand people looking at him, but today he was telling her what colors the choo choos on the walls were and climbing all over the bus table in the room.  God love steroids for kids...yes, I know how that know what I mean.  She recommended he stay home one more day just to give his immune system an extra day and wrote me a note (long story short, work wasn't happy I was gone.  Tough toenails.)

10-22-14 - After the meds kicked in, Jase was extra clingy and whiney (as expected), but his biggest issue was his lack of appetite.  He was down a pound already...I think he ate 1 meal in 3 days and it was McDonals, go figure!

10-23-14 & 10-24-14 - Kyra took a week vacation starting today so Grandma Pam drove down to hang with Jase.  By the time lunch rolled around he was showing signs of being hungry and really coming around.  It's 100% true that kids are better for anyone other than their parents.  Since she lives over an hour away, Jase stayed the night at her house.  We went back and forth on letting him go, but it turned out great.  He even got to ride in the tractor with Uncle Roger :)

When we met them for dinner that night, we heared "HI MOMMY, HI DADDY" about a thousand times!  I think we all needed a change of scenery.  Things seemed to just get better after that.

10-25-14 - "Funny, Mommy"

We attempted to carve pumpkins...

Jase had other it turned into daddy carving and mommy cleaning up.  Maybe next year.

Play date with HAB while Uncle Matt & Aunt Amy have date night...Happy 11th Anniversary!  

10-27-14 - #sittervacay

Took advantage of my day off with great weather and met the McLean's at Radar Farms in Bloomington.  I should mention, Jase stopped taking a morning nap yesterday...fingers crossed.

Jase and Olie playing follow the leader on the hay racks :)

Waiting for the caterpillar choo choo..
(Jase, Owen, Olie, & Calvin)

Hopefully next time, Jase will last longer than 2 minutes without a meltdown and Jill & I might actually be able to have a conversation.  #momprobz

Since he refused to eat lunch when I offered it to him, I obliged his request of "mac cheeeeeeese"

 And ended the day with a bubble mask to wash off at that dirt...

10-28-14 - Milk is now "my coffee"

10-29-14 - We are running out of sick/vacation days so Aunt Shilo took one for the team and kept Jase so we could go to work.  One day with her & the ladies and my heavy machinery loving boy is wearing a purple headband.  Like didn't want to take it off.  I guess he'd make a cute girl... 

 10-30-14 - Papa is in town which means presents!  If you ask him where he got his backhoe he says, "Tank ou Papa!!!" and then "Papa bought me house" (he delivered JJ & Hayden's old playhouse lol)

                                 "Oh shoot!"

  10-31-14 -  Jase's 2nd Halloween in the books...what a difference!!!!

The bank my sister works at is like trick-or-treating inside so it's nice to take the kids there especially since it was so cold.  Jase with a few of the other candy monsters!

Happy Halloween from our happy little golfer!  

After 2 weeks of not going to daycare, I thought the morning would be tough, but he was very excited to see "Kywa" and all his friends!  She said he grabbed his blankie and led her to where he naps at his normal morning nap time, but he pushed through and I think we have officially kicked the morning nap.  I know I'll miss it on those weekend days we're at home trying to get stuff done, but I'm so excited not to have to plan around 2 naps!  Still thankful for my good sleeper though!!!  

See you in November for our first road trip to Louisiana!!
