Thursday, December 6, 2012

32 weeks - All for Jase

Paint is finished & crib is up!

Thanks for painting Grandpa Gregg!

The grey is looking a little more blue (in person) then I expected and we still have some decorating to do, but once we get the orange in there, I think things will really come together.  Loving it so far!!!  I wasn't sure how I'd feel about all the different kinds of wood in the one room, but I'm actually really liking it.  I've been told you should mix your woods so Kiel turning down my idea of all white furniture hasn't been so bad after all.  I hate when he's right.  

 And a BIG thank you to Grammy Diane and Papa Mark for baby boy's beautiful crib!
And of course Kiel for putting it together :-)

Even got the crib sheets I ordered.

It's pretty weird to walk past the spare room and see a crib in there.  Every time I see it I laugh a little and this is happening!??!!  Does everyone have this surreal feeling while getting ready for a baby or have I just not fully grasped what happens after those 40 weeks are up?   

On top of all of that excitement, we received a surprise gift from Colorado.  Thank you to the Kamis family for giving us our first baby item (boppy slip cover) with his name on it :-)  It's super soft & cuddly and I can't wait to use it!

Had a very standard Dr's appointment on Tuesday.  Heartbeat was 140 bpm as usual.  I attempted to record it, but my phone's audio quality isn't the best so it sounds more like static then anything.  Next check up is at 34 weeks, December 18th.  At 36 weeks we'll have another routine ultra sound at the hospital, but we're also getting that extra one on the 19th when we see Dr Gross in Peoria again.  Still a little anxious not knowing if his kidneys will have gotten even larger, but the bonus ultra sounds really make the MFM visits something to look forward to. 

I've started to have a little more trouble sleeping then usual.  Between the bathroom breaks, crazy dreams about everything that still needs to be done, and a little bit of restless leg syndrome I can't imagine what's keeping me up!!?!??!  I don't think it's helping Kiel's sleep patterns either - just another way mother nature prepares you for an infant I guess!

I've had quite a few moments of what seems to be sciatic nerve spasms.  Do you know that feeling when a twinge of pain catches you off guard and you're not sure whether to laugh or cry?  It has become part of my daily routine.  But in all honesty, for being 32 weeks pregnant...I'm very lucky.  I've had my first REAL bouts with morning sickness this trimester and all it consists of is feeling a little lightheaded a couple hours after I get up.  Puts anything I felt in the 1st trimester to shame and it's not even that bad.  If I can get a little fresh air it pretty much goes away and I'm good to go.  I have a lot more energy, but the extra weight seems to cancel that out on occasion.  It really feels like I'm carrying a bowling ball around in my shirt.  I've also really started to feel my body's limitations when it comes to lifting and household chores.  Carrying the laundry up & down the stairs is now Kiel's job.  And I think my days of scrubbing the kitchen & bathroom floors are on hold...oh darn!  It's seriously amazing how different all this extra weight and pressure makes you feel.  One day I felt like I could do everything on my own and the next, I'm not sure I can reach my feet to tie my shoes :-/  Definitely something I will not miss about pregnancy!

On the other hand...this is something I will miss...weekly belly pics.  For the record, the pics don't really do the size of the belly justice.  How silly was I to think I was big 10 weeks ago?

Your baby's the size of a squash!
Still growing, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches
  • She's getting ready for her descent -- she's likely in the head-down position now.
  • And she's probably feeling a even more cramped.
This is what I really look like with an entire squash in my belly LOL!


1 comment:

  1. Loving the full body shot, puts it into perspective better! The room is looking gorgeous so far. I love the paint color with crib. Good work mama :) See you in a few hours!!!
