I feel like my actual due date deserves a post of it's own so this weeks post is a little early. Cut me a little slack on the pic...I'm exhausted.
40 Weeks - Due Date 1/29/2013 |
They don't technically consider you past due until 41 weeks so technically I shouldn't be doing any complaining until next week. I figure, I'm the one who's 40 weeks pregnant, I can complain if I want to. I think my whole family (including me) was really hoping today would be the big day. As I've mentioned before, January 29th is my Grandpa Torman's (mom's dad) birthday...he would have been 75 today. Would have been just another one of those "everything happens for a reason" things I've been experiencing so much lately, but I'm sure there's a reason he wasn't born today too.
I'm dilated to a 3 now and had the lovely experience of having my membranes stripped today, so now I know I could go without ever having that done again :/ Hopefully that will give me the push I needed to get some real contractions going here in the next couple of days. I've been having some contractions this afternoon, but I don't think they're "true" ones. Seems like if I can shift around they go away and they're not progressing in pain at all - probably just practice ones. Did some walking today and scheduled a prenatal massage for tomorrow in hopes that one of the labor inducing techniques will work for me. Seems like Jase is a little too comfortable in there.
On a lighter note, we got the curtains hung in the nursery tonight and I'm so happy with how everything turned out! His walls are a little bare, but I have some plans for those that will come in the next few weeks. My mom really outdid herself...she's quite the seamstress! Thanks Grandma :)
I think I jinxed myself this weekend talking about how sleep was still my friend. That was the last thing I still had going for me and now that's pretty much out the window too. I'm very thankful I'm off work this week and can take a little cat nap in the afternoon to make up for what I miss at night. I know it's just practice for when he gets here, but I'd rather be losing sleep taking care of a baby then losing sleep because I'm so uncomfortable. For now, Kiel's still working and I'll be at home cleaning & waiting impatiently!!
Your baby's the size of a jackfruit!
In month nine, the average fetus is about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and
measures about 18.9 to 20.19 inches (wow!). But you really won't know
exactly how big your baby is until his birth.
- He's continuing to grow hair and nails.
- And he's keeping up that lung development, too
We know he's a boy, we know his name, we have a pretty good idea of what he'll look like...can't wait to find out when he'll get here :)