3-8-2013 - Jase's first trip to Earlville to see Grandma Farm....can't believe I didn't get any pics with her -
FAIL! Pretty sure everyone was worn out lol
3-9-2013 - Milestone: I'm pretty sure it was because of our big travel day, but JaseMan slept 9 hours
Monday night!!!
He needed a little help with his paci once or twice, but never actually woke up to eat or even
have his diaper changed for 9 straight hours. #totalflukebuti'lltakeit
3-10-2013 - We have a colicky time :-/ From around 6:30-7:30 Jase is not at his finest.
3-11-2013 - Jase & I stopped into my work and set my first day back as April 22nd...neither one of us
really want to talk about it.
Can't figure out how to turn this one ?? |
3-12-2013 - Milk.Coma.
3-13-2013 - Oops
3-14-2013 - Showing off his mad skills, holding up his bottle and his head like a big boy. Just moments after
he was born, Jase picked his head up off my chest and looked up at me...it still amazes me how
strong he is at just shy of 6 weeks.
Seeing as how, I'll be going back to work in just a little over a month and Jase has a very strong preference for where he gets his milk...I decided it's time to start really pushing the bottle. He's had one sporadically if we were out somewhere or if I was gone during feeding time and does well with it, but tends to be a little fussy after - probably gas. Today he had 2 bottles just to see how it went and for some reason (this is the second time this has happened) when I don't actually nurse him for awhile I start to feel really achy and get flu like symptoms. The first time it happened, was the day Kiel & I went car shopping. I made the mistake of not pumping before we left so I was engorged bad the whole time we were gone. I was light headed, achy, had the chills, and a really strong headache. It wasn't until we got home and I ate dinner and was able to nurse him 2 or 3 times that I started to feel better. By the next morning, it was like nothing was wrong. I just brushed it off, but now that it happened again today when I didn't nurse him 2 feedings in a row (this time I pumped after he had his bottles), I'm a little concerned. I ended up taking a nap when Jase did and felt a little better, but still just not myself. I was actually getting a little tired of nursing and looking forward to not having to do it all the time, but I guess it's time to do some research on what happens when you stop nursing. Ah the joys of motherhood...always worrying about something - right Suzy? ;)
Kiel took his first overtime call since Jase was born tonight so we're on our own. Jase stuck to his normal routine of eating around 8:45pm and going to bed between 9 & 9:30 - the kid already lets me know he's ready to be swaddled and put in his crib. I'm not complaining. Hopefully Kiel will get an all nighter in tonight and can be off and home with us tomorrow. Bring on the weekend!!
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