3-22-2013 - Loving being able to see Jase in the mirror while I'm driving. If he's not sleeping he's intently
starring out the window. 2nd pic is gross I know, but that's our first MAJOR blowout.
Splattered all the way up his chest...how does that even happen??!??!?
3-23-2013 - Another night out for mom & dad for dad's birthday! Thanks Aunt Amy for babysitting again!
3-24-2013 - Happy 31st birthday Daddy!!! We spent a lazy day just enjoying being home together.
3-25-2013 - Kelly came to visit from STL! She battled the crappy weather (they got 12 in of snow!!) and
bad traffic to meet Jase & have some MUCH needed girl talk with me! Love that we have
stayed so close :)
totally blog worthy! |
would have gotten a video of all the smiling and cooing Jase did while Henry was playing with
him. Henry can't wait for him to be able to crawl and eat tiny bites of pizza lol
We also had a talk about breast feeding....
Henry: Can I feed him?
Me: Uh, I'm not going to give him a bottle.
Henry: How is he going to eat then?
Me: (starting to sweat) Well, not all babies drink from a bottle. You know how the kitties eat?
Henry: Ya from a bowl. (FAIL!)
Me: No, I mean when the mama cat lays on her side and the kitties lay down by her and eat.
Henry: (lifts up shirt and touches his nipple with a little smirk on his face) You mean from these??!??!
Me: Yes (holding back laughter) Do you get it?
Henry: (laughing hysterically) Can you feel it?
Me: Yes...weird right?
Henry: Ya (more laughter) I wish I could see him eating under that thing (my hooter hider)
Me: That's not really for a 7 year old to see...when you're older you'll understand more.
Henry: Like when I'm 8?
Me: Maybe a little older then that...like when you get married and your wife has babies.
Henry: (very cute embarrassed smile) Ya ok
That must have been enough for him because he didn't say anything else about it when I fed him again later. I think I handled it pretty well, but still glad that conversation is over. Aunt Amy & Uncle Matt can field any questions he comes up with later lol
3-28-2013 - Jase & his favorite new friends video - Please excuse my finger!
Operation "get mama back into her own jeans" has commenced! Jase & I got out and walked 2 miles this morning. As you can see, Jase isn't very motivating so here's to hoping I keep it up. Yay for baby carriers!! And hurry up warm weather!!!
We do seem to have a mama's boy on our hands right now, but I'm sure that has a lot to do with me being home with him 24/7. I'm not exactly complaining about that, but I do wish he didn't cry every time someone else tried to hold him :-/
His 2 month well check is Monday, April 1st and I'm dying to get him weighed! We are friends with the PA in our doctors office and had the chance to talk to her and another friend who is also in the medical field a little about the VCUG. As much as I hate to admit it, they both advised us to go ahead with it. Should have an update on that next week.
Have a great Easter weekend!
Work it Mama! You'll get there, summer is almost here :) Love that he is starting to 'play'! How quickly they grow and develop…Miss you.