Thursday, April 4, 2013

8 weeks - 2 months/Easter

April 1, 2013

3-29-2013 - Our little "ginger"

3-30-2013 - Easter at the farm.  I can barely stand how cute he is in that outfit.  Jase was awake the majority of the day and ended up sleeping 10 hours straight (with a few paci assisted moments) that night!

Lots of plaid going on!!! 

3-31-2013 - Easter Day.  Meeting Great Grandma Theresea and some more of his cousins.  Yet another day with very few short naps and this guy slept for just shy of 12 hours that night (again with a few paci assists)!!!  Now if only I didn't have to get up and pump :-/

4-1-2013 - Milestone:  Jase is 2 months old!!!  What a CHUNK!!! 
Pretty obvious the 1st pic was taken by a professional lol
His 2 month well check revealed he is an EXCELLENT eater!  Our boy weighed in at 14 lbs 5 oz (88%)!!!  No wonder my arms hurt all the time!  He's grown 3 inches since his 2 week appt and is now in the 97% at 24.5 inches.  Dr Proehl said she feels his head is very proportional to his body, but it's still registering in the 100% at 41.9cm.  I guess the line "a sleeping child is a growing child" is VERY true!   

Milestone:  He received the dreaded 2 month shots.  He was half asleep when they stuck him so I think it startled him on top of hurting him...I'm glad he won't remember it, but sure wish I didn't have to either!  So far, no side effects.  Got a good nap in so he was back to his normal 7 hours that night...I'll take it!

My talk with Dr Proehl made me agree more with Dani & Tara on the VCUG.  I explained to her that I honestly felt like I had received 2 conflicting stories from her office & the urologist and she completely understood why I was hesitant to schedule the appt.  She did make the comment that they don't request a VCUG with every kidney dilatation so she felt they must have seen something in the ultra sound and even if it comes up clear at least we can put this issue to rest.  His appointment is scheduled for May 1st so send some positive thoughts our way! 

I also had her look at his tongue and she agreed there's no real need to do anything at this stage.  He's latching fine (clearly!) so if it's not broke don't fix it.  Amen!
4-2-2013 - Kiel's cousins Jenna & Lawson came to visit Jase & me while Lawson was on spring break.  It cracks me up how much Jase likes other little kids.  He talks up a storm and smiles like crazy.

4-3-2013 - I have been adamant that I will not have a thumb sucker.  No offense to those who feel differently, I just don't want to deal with that down the road.  Clearly, my child does not care how I feel about this issue....defiant already. 

Made another stop into my work to talk to Mark about my first week back.  I'm so thankful I work for a small family owned company.  I mentioned easing back into work by starting off with a few half days instead of just jumping back in full time and he informed me he wasn't going to let me do full days right away...he's afraid I'm going to go into shock too lol

As I'm typing this, I look over at the monitor and see Jase stirring in his crib doing everything in his power to get his thumb in his mouth ~sigh~

4-4-2013 - Kiel & I got certified in CPR tonight.  I hope we never have to use it.

Got this little gem after nap time smiley baby :)

Finally got some pics of Jase on his Harley!  He takes riding very seriously...

1 comment:

  1. So upon reading Jase's 2 month stats I had to find out Jack's records and basically your 2 month old is the size my 6 month old was! Like J said our babies are on the 2 ends of the spectrum…and both unbelievably adorable! Love the onesie ;) So happy that you got such a great little boy!!!
