Thursday, April 11, 2013

9 Weeks - Tummy Time Video

4-5-2013 - Yay for that stretch of warm weather!  Walking outside is much better then the track at the rec!


Checking out the swing at Grandpa's lol

4-6-2013 - oops

4-7-2013 - Bath night!

4-8-2013 - Another nice day!  Look at those cheeks!

4-9-2013 - We have a wiggler...he started on the burp rag :-/

Tummy Time!


Talking to & smiling at his friends :)

4-10-2013 - Kiel & I took Jase to see his daycare.  It went really well.  Kyra got to hold him and we had a quick chat about what our first week will be like.  Lots of cuddles from both mom & dad that night.

 4-11-2013 - Recapping the Masters - Let's go Dustin!!

I'm beyond sad to say, I have less then 2 weeks of maternity leave left.  We are so lucky to have such a great sitter.  Kyra is so laid back and since Amy's kids go there we already know he will love her and I am VERY thankful for that!  Daycare will be good for BOTH of us.  I want Jase to be social and not completely dependent on me.  He deserves to go somewhere and play with other kids instead of just listening to his crazy mom tell him over and over how cute he is.  And in all honesty, as much as I love spending everyday with him and have actually started to enjoy cooking because I have lots of time to do it...I want to go back to work.  Maybe not in 11 days and maybe not full time, but I know I will be glad I went back to work in the long run.  It will be nice to have things to talk about other then how many times Jase spit up or pooped that day.  Adult conversation and using my brain are something, I must say, I have missed (sarcasm-a SAHM's job is hard and I'm not sure I'm cut out for it)  Once we get that first day...week...month over with we will all be just fine.

And even after being able to admit all that, I still have the worst anxiety over actually sending him.  He's just so helpless still.  No one else knows his routine and his different cries and how to snuggle him when he gets tired.  Ugh, I'm tearing up just thinking about someone else doing that for him.  I guess this is pay backs for all the times I rolled my eyes at my sister when she got upset about leaving her kids...I get it now Amy.  

Kiel & I are not the first family to have 2 working parents.  Jase is going to be just fine and eventually so am I.  Life will go on...this is not the end of the world...just keep swimming, just keep swimming. 


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