Thursday, June 20, 2013

19 Weeks - Father's Day

I missed a few days this week, but I think I more then made for it on the days I took pics...

6-14-2013 - Kyra was off Friday so Cindy kept Jase for us.  I think they had a great day :)  Although, I think she would have liked him to be awake more then he was...guess he was too comfortable at her house!

6-16-2013 - Jase woke Kiel up with a few little presents for Father's Day (daddies are hard to buy for!)


We had a cookout with both our was really nice to have everyone over at once.  It turned out to be an awesome day!

 The Greskoviak's made an appearance so Jase & Lena got to do a little flirting.  She's gonna be such a good big sister!!  Such a lover already :)

6-17-2013 - Kiel noticed there was mold growing in a small closet like room in the basement so the landlord spent the morning ripping out all the wood in that room including the door...that'll do it!

6-19-2013 - Baseball season continues

6-20-2013 - Jase wore his "good" onesie to daycare today lol

Ditched the pumpkin seat and took monkey man for walk in the stroller.  I like being able to see him when he's facing me, but it's too hot to be all bundled in that thing.  I'm glad he doesn't seem to mind wearing sunglasses and hats & I really hope he keeps that up.  The one he has on below is a hand me down from Jack Voigts...sad I'm going to have to give all this back when Baby V #2 gets here!!!

Please note the color of his hair in the last pic...I think it's gotten even more red!  I actually think his eyes are changing though.  They might just be lightening up, but it seems like there's a yellowish/green ring around his pupil like the blue is slowing fading.

Work is getting busy for Kiel.  With the hot weather comes a lot of overtime work so he's been gone over night more in the last couple weeks.  He's been going to the chiropractor twice a week to keep up with the pain in his back and has some fancy inserts for his boots that have helped a TON!  He hit the 9 month marker with Ameren and is now in the 2nd step of his apprenticeship (there are 4 steps over 3 years).  As fast as the time is going, he'll be a journeyman in no time.

My work is pretty slow right now, but it seems like there's potential for things to start picking up here pretty soon.  I've only been back for 3 weeks, but a small part of me is already glad I made the decision to come back.  Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather be with Jase especially since we're slow and the weather is so nice, but it's been a positive thing for both of us.  I do need to get better at balancing my time after work though.  Coming home to all the housework that still needs to be done after being at work all day when I'd rather be playing with Jase makes me crabby.  Just like everything else, I'm sure with time I will get better at it.  For now, I'd like someone else to be in charge of vacuuming (I am shedding like a sheepdog) and making dinner.  Join the club right?  :)

Just in case you were wondering...we still have the best baby ever.  He fell asleep during dinner around 8 and I haven't heard a peep out of him since.  Couldn't even wait for the swaddle blanket.... 


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