Wednesday, October 9, 2013

34 Weeks - 8 months

October 1, 2013

9-27-2013 - Aaaaaaaaaand we're eating puffs! (video)

9-29-2013 - haha this first one is a terrible pic, but I was trying to get the "rooster tail" Jase woke up with Sunday morning.  Just like daddy used to get.

                                                                                        The Bears jersey is becoming a Sunday staple.

9-30-2013 - Silly ginger faces...

10-1-2013 - My baby is 8 months old...time please slow down.

In month 8, we're battling teeth and a never ending cold, but this kid is still a very happy baby :)

We've really expanded on the baby food.  Jase has had: (some might be duplicates I don't remember what I've listed) ground beef, chicken, turkey, pumpkin (yes I baked and pureed a pumpkin), cantaloupe, honeydew melon, peaches, pears, applesauce, bananas, yogurt, prunes, blueberries, green beans, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, and most recently, pasta, soup, bread, and cheerios!  I will probably not freeze any kind of melon again.  It's too watery when thawed.  Other than that, everything has turned out great and he's eaten everything aside from the avocados (lol) without hesitation.  He's really getting that pincer grasp down with the puffs and cheerios so I can't wait to start trying other finger foods.  We've recently had to start giving him a few oz of pear juice to help with constipation :-/  But on the bright side, it's helping him get accustomed to the sippy cup!  

We are quickly approaching the last month of nursing.  Most days I can't wait to be done, but when I actually sit down and think about not doing it anymore I start to second guess my decision to stop after 9 months.  And just when I start to get all sappy about it...he bites me.  The first time it happened I nearly threw him off my lap.  Now every time he goes to latch, I cringe a little in anticipation.  Plus, he's too easily distracted.  It's not such a big deal when we're at home, but it can really draw the process out and make for some awkward moments for me if we're around others.  Kyra said she's been having to shew everyone out of the living room when giving him his bottle because he gets easily distracted at her house least I know it's not just me he gets bored with!  But the kicker has been, my pump took a crap on me about a week ago so I'm borrowing one that's completely different than mine and I hate it.  At least once a week it makes me consider quitting over the coming weekend.  I haven't caved yet!

What else?  Jase went back to the dr last Friday because he had a low grade fever on top of that nasty cough he's been battling and just hadn't been himself for a few days.  Kyra was even worried about him Thursday so that kind of gave me the push to take him in.  Over paranoid mom here!  It was probably just his allergies and teeth, but I guess I'd rather have that instead of a surprise trip to the ER.   

Jman still hasn't started crawling.  He'll roll and roll and roll, but he hasn't made all that much effort to crawl just yet.  I keep seeing all these 6 and 7 mo old babies on fb and mommy blogs crawling and pulling themselves up on furniture, but I know every kid is different so he'll do it when he's ready.  I would never wish for him to be behind in development, but I can't say I'm particularly bummed he isn't officially "mobile" yet.  I'm sure it will be soon enough and life will do another 180 on me!

He has recently really started "reaching" for people.  He doesn't do it so much before you pick him up, but if I'm holding him and Kiel comes home, he will put his arms out and lean toward him.  I LOVE seeing him do things like that!  He's also discovered he can hit himself in the all babies do this?  He's really into patting/smacking things like my back or a blanket or a table and now he's discovered he can do the same thing to his head.  He usually gets a big grin on his face and does it until I distract him with something else #lifewithaboy

Sleep is still awesome!  Bedtime seems to be getting earlier, usually closer to 7:30 then 8.  On the weekends, he's still going down about an hour after he gets up for an hour or two and will do the same thing after lunch.  Randomly there will be half hour cat naps in there, but he's primarily on a 2 nap schedule.  Every now and then when I pick him up from daycare, his little eyes will be so red and he'll fall asleep before we even get down Kyra's lane...she says afternoon naps are getting harder to come by.  Crazy kid.

I can't keep this monster clothed!  I feel like I just got all the 9 mo stuff out and washed and he has already outgrown the vast majority of it.  So out came the 12 month stuff and while I thought there was no way the pants and jammies would fit him, they do...perfectly.  I have even bought 18 month onesies if they're Carter's brand.  I don't think a day has gone by that Kiel or I haven't uttered the words, "man he looks big."

I could go on for days about this happy boy.  He really does make us thankful every single day.  No matter if he's tired or hungry or has a sore mouth or can't poop...he always has a smile for us!  We're just getting a glimpse of his personality and while I always feel like time is going so fast, I can't wait to watch him continue to grow!

10-2-2013 - Sippy cups and standing up

10-3-2013 - Grammy Diane visited this week!  She's staying in Bloomington with the Schaffer's, but she stayed with us Thursday night so she could spend the day Friday with the Jman.  He thinks she's hilarious :)

Jase has really started using consonants instead of just making the "ooooo" and "aaahhhh" sounds.  He's getting pretty good with the B "bababababa" and the D "dadadadada", but tonight he threw in an M!  He looked right at me and said "ma ma".  I know it's just noises and it was probably a fluke, but I totally teared up at the sound.  The best part is that he did it in front of Diane & Kiel so no one can say I was hearing things :)

- Nicole

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