Thursday, September 26, 2013

33 Weeks - Tanners Orchard

9-22-2013 -  Probably a good thing we took almost 150 pictures on our outing this past Sunday cause it's the only day this week I took any pics period.  I fear next month might need to be called Overload October.

We spent the day at Tanners Orchard with the Greskoviak's.  The weather was perfect and apparently we weren't the only ones who noticed.  The entire parking lot was jammed packed and their famous apple cider donuts were selling out like hot cakes.  People were waiting in line for almost 2 hours just to get a dozen.  Needless to say, we'll be making a trip back to get ours....ain't nobody in this group got time for that!

Ready, Set, GO!

 Jase cried at the goats while Lena fed them :( 

But loved the swings :)

Sorry Lena, we came to take pictures not play ;)

Look at that one lonely tooth...Our own little Jack-O-Lantern

 Such a big girl riding a pony!!

All 3 kids were SO good ALL day!  Little Elsie slept the entire time we were there and thanks to the lady next to us in line, we didn't even lose a kid...whew!

hahaha perfect!

Happy First day of Fall!


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