Tuesday, November 19, 2013

40 Weeks - Russell Christmas/9mo well check

I can't get enough of this video I forgot from last weeks Denver trip...they were hilarious!

If this kid is 40 weeks old, that means he's been outside my belly just as long as he was inside it.  My concept of time seems to be about as on point as my internal compass.   

11-8-2013 - Fun with wrapping paper already!

11-9-2013 - As in past years, we always do the Russell Christmas early in order to allow as many people as possible to come.  It was the first year without Grandpa and even though he planned ahead and left us extra special gifts, he was still very missed.

I've been told they look alike...

Yep....I see it
Some of the Great-Grandkids waiting for Santa

"Is that the real Santa?"  He's still at the age where, "that's Santa's helper" works...won't be long :-/

I was so excited for Jase to meet Santa, I didn't even realize how strange it was to be celebrating Christmas in November.  Jase was exhausted after dinner so Kiel took him for a drive around the block to get a quick nap in.  They made it back just in time for the handing out of presents...I was so happy to be introducing Jase to a family tradition as long standing as this.  I'm still hopeful we'll bring back the talking tree someday.  He did great :)

 Santa said "This is the only baby I've never seen cry"


He really wasn't all that into the paper

Still got that present :)

Santa video:  Please excuse Kiel's shaking hand...his videographer skills need improvement.  When I take Jase's pacifier out of his mouth he makes a hilarious face like he's going to cry and when everyone starts clapping he just goes deer in headlights.  

11-11-2013 - The week of no pumping at lunch!  It was so...AMAZING!  I didn't care how engorged or uncomfortable I was, I didn't have to rush home to get my 12 min of pumping in.  It was like Christmas came early.  Ok maybe not that great, but you get the idea.  I was good all weekend, not nursing during the day even though I was with Jase, but instead giving him bottles as if he was at daycare and pumping only in the am and around lunchtime.  I think this significantly helped as I transitioned into only pumping in the morning and nursing him at just at the bedtime feeding.  I was starting to think quitting wasn't going to be as painful as I had been lead to believe.  To which the nursing gods responded "challenge accepted!"....to be continued

11-13-2013 - Today we had Jase's 9 mo well check.  I'm not really sure why they're scheduling them 2 weeks late...oh well. 

Our boy isn't really gaining any weight, but he sure is stretching out!  He weighed in at 20.6 lbs (up less than a lb in 2 mo), but grew almost 3 inches.  When the nurse said 31.5 inches, I was sure the scale would read 22 or more, but I was obviously wrong.  Not like it matters.  You can tell by his belly he's well fed :)

And Happy Birthday Grammy :)  Love, A Little Teapot (video)

11-14-2013 - Just hanging out after a bath

My little ginger's hair is really growing!!!

 Blinded by the light!


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