5-25-2013 - Broke out the exersaucer and it was a HIT!! (video)
5-26-2013 - Jase no longer cries for you to come get him when he wakes up from a nap, he just lays in his crib and "talks." "Ooohhhhhhh"
5-27-2013 - I woke up around 5am to a strange noise that seemed to be coming from the basement. I went to check it out and found this....
Our house sits in an old river bed and my dad has had flooding so he put in a 2nd sump pump, but it wasn't working so we got water. Luckily Kiel got the pump working and nothing but the floor got wet. The worst part was the smell left over from sewer water...YUCK!
Since Kiel said there wasn't much to be done about the water, I went about my day. Amy & I have started a tradition of going to the outlets to hit up the big Memorial Day sales...
Heaven really is a place on Earth
so Kiel & Jase had a father son day. I got this picture with the caption "Practically takes care of himself"...
and this video...funny boys.
5-28-2013 -Wish I could remember who bought him this elephant...it's his favorite toy.
Somebody is ticklish!
5-29-2013 - At about 1am, Kiel & I both woke up to a pretty wicked storm and just in time to see our ceiling fan coming to a stop from the power going out. After getting water a few days before, my first thought was to check the basement and luckily it was dry. I was up until about 2am worrying about the 3 mo supply of breast milk in the deep freeze down stairs, but finally went back to sleep telling myself the power will be on shortly. Out of habit, I was up by 6am and realized the power was still out so I checked the basement again...
After breaking into the neighbors garage (they were more then understanding), my dad got the sump pumps running and a few hours later had a generator hooked up to keep the sumps, deep freeze, and fridge running. I'm happy to report we didn't lose anything that can't be replaced. We are very fortunate that the worst part is again the sewer water smell :-/ Lots of scrubbing floors this weekend I'm sure.
I also discovered I'm an empty box hoarder. Our front lawn looks like a rummage sale.
Jase & I went to my dad's house so Jase could take a nap & I could shower.
The entire town was/still is a pretty big mess. There were trees completely uprooted because the ground was so saturated not to mention all the ones that fell because of the wind. The prison lost power and obviously that is first priority so ComEd worked on that until 4am. We didn't get power back until about 1pm, but that didn't keep me from flipping the light switch every time I walked into a room and trying to use multiple appliances over and over again. We greatly appreciate all the hard work the ComEd boys did to get us back up & running!!
This is the view from the deck of dad's condo. Somewhere under all that water is the #10 tee box.
Supervising the end of the clean up...
5-30-2013 - Just a good morning pic of the cutest baby ever :) I know this is a blurry iphone pic, but are his eyebrows red?!??!?!??
Kiel is working over tonight. Hopefully this storm that is coming through as I type doesn't knock out the power and we'll be free from any more flooding. At least I got the blogs caught up ha!
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