Tuesday, July 23, 2013

23 Weeks

So much for being caught up on the blog.  Where is the time going?  Seems like every time I turn around another week has gone by...I just can't keep up!

Forgot this video from last week...I think he wanted out.

After the family vaca post, 23 weeks is going to seem pretty uneventful.  We'll be back at 24 weeks with more excitement!

7-12-13 - Not a morning person

7-13-13 - Uncle Matt & Aunt Amy went to a Cubs game on Friday so I had another adventurous night with all the kiddos!  Jase stayed with dad so as soon as the 3 musketeers were up, we headed into town for breakfast and to get home to see my boy.

 After the Brummel's headed home, Kiel & I had our first night out alone since Jase was born.  Thanks Grammy Diane for babysitting :)

7-16-13 - Playing with Grandpa

7-17-13 - We're sitting up!  Hard not to be excited, but even harder not to be sad about how fast this is going!
7-18-13 - Met Grammy Diane & Papa Mark for dinner and Jase was flirting with the waitresses.  Even a manager came over to check out our cute boy :)

This pumpkin seat is for the birds...starting to try and sit up to see around it.  Gotta be in on the action!


1 comment:

  1. You are looking GREAT!!! He's totally a mama's boy…..I can.not.wait. to get our boys together. A week and a half left!!!!!!
