Monday, April 17, 2017

P3 - 36 weeks

Baby #2 has arrived!!!

Dane Kyle Morrison was welcomed at 6:58am Friday, April 7th weighing in at 7lbs 5oz and measuring 20 1/4" long.  And I got to meet him (biggest heart eyes) just a week later. 

Everyone seems to be adjusting really well and I just couldn't be happier for them!  Can't wait to snuggle him again in a few weeks when they come to meet baby girl!

I'm not really sure what to say about 36 weeks other than, are we there yet? I know pregnancy is a beautiful thing and it is not lost on me how lucky I am to have this experience, but I am over it.  I will surely miss the tiny kicks inside me and long to feel them again as I pass cute pregnant woman in Target, but there are more things I won't miss.  I won't miss the looks and questions from strangers, the not sleeping, the maternity clothes, the aches and the waddling.  The shortness of breath and how much energy every little thing requires.  I've had a few rounds of stress related Braxton Hicks contractions and have started experiencing what other pregnant ladies have described as "lightening crotch."  Seriously makes me laugh every time I think about it.  I know I mentioned it with Jase - it's like a pinching feeling near my cervix.  Most drs say it's the baby touching nerves in there and some even say (or maybe it's wishful thinking) that it's dilation occurring.  Either way, something is going on down there.  I don't think Kiel has much sympathy for me considering I've been talking about wanting to be pregnant again since about a year after Jase was born.  It's amazing how you truly forget what the end is like.

We had our 36 week check up on Friday, April 14th and since baby girl is measuring so big we got a bonus ultra sound.  No pictures because she's head down with her hands in front of her face, but everything looked great.  At 36 weeks, Jase was around 7lbs 8oz and at 36 + 3 days, baby girl is around 7lbs 10oz...a close race.  I'm measuring at 40 weeks now (sigh) and she's still in the mid 90s for size percentiles so Dr. Dalton changed her original plan of waiting until 41 weeks to inducing no later than my due date if I don't go on my own before.  If I had my pants on when she told me this, I would have hugged her.  I selfishly mentioned that Jase has his spring program on May 11th in hopes we can work induction around that if necessary to which Dr replied we can start talking induction dates anytime after 39 weeks pending a favorable cervix.  I go weekly from now on and already have my 39 week appointment scheduled so we should know more about a due date after my appointment on May 3rd.  May 5th or 6th is looking like a pretty good weekend to have a baby if you ask me!  

A few pictures from Easter weekend and we're on to the last 3 weeks...........

Holy Belly
Anyone else have a husband like mine that waits until after the "Easter Bunny" has put together a nice Easter basket to go out and find the greatest thing your child will ever receive?  This also happens to Santa Clause most years.  Good thing they're both cute.


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